DP Cards

EDIT #2:Have to put off the scans for another night – have too much homework and too little time. Sorry. :(

EDIT #1: Wow, I ended up getting home four hours after I thought I would. Thus, I will have to put off the scans until tomorrow, which means we will have all four Neo sets up by then. On the bright side, Bangiras did manage to translate the cards below, which you can view on our [Pokemon Card Game: DP] page. Enjoy!

  • [Weavile]
  • [Jibacoil]
  • [Kabarudon]
  • [Fuwaraido]
  • [Elekibble]

Translations later (Elekibble is already translated on our [Pokemon Card Game: DP] page). There will also be more updates later today.