Upcoming Announcement from ‘Pokemon Sunday’

Pokemon Sunday, an official Japanese television show that discusses the latest in the Pokemon world, has announced on their website’s episode synopsis that during the video game portion of May 10th’s episode there will be a major, world-first announcement.

While this announcement could literally be about anything, it is likely to be an official announcement of the next Pokemon game. If a Gold and Silver remake were to come out this year (which is likely based on the Johto starters being in the 12th movie and other hints), they would probably hit store shelves in November, the 10th anniversary of the original Gold and Silver. Thus, an announcement of the remakes’ existence would need to be made earlier in the year to let people know when they are coming out and to start fan hype. Historically, this time of the year is when new games have been announced, so we’ll know the truth soon!