Recent content by Grim Thoughts

  1. Grim Thoughts

    Xerosic’s Plan, Malamar from “Night Wanderer”

    The format needs more hand killing, hands have been out of control for a while now. I like that we’re getting a lot of new options for disruption from these newer trainers beyond the basic N/Judge prototype
  2. Grim Thoughts

    Ultra PRO Releasing “Rayquaza Legendary Foil Playmat” with Foil Accents!

    Just get the Rayquaza Among the Stars mat on Pokemon Center. It’s not only way cooler while having matching sleeves and a matching deck box, but it’s also cheaper Edit: It’s out of stock there but you can still easily pick it up on TCGPlayer or eBay
  3. Grim Thoughts

    Decidueye Line from “Night Wanderer”

    United Wings!! And hitting Charizard for weakness too? And you can throw a 1-of Decidueye in too for card draw. I hope this deck becomes more of a threat now that United Wings can get up to 320 and easily one-shot Charizard
  4. Grim Thoughts

    “Shrouded Fable” Special Pokemon TCG Set Revealed for August!

    Wow. This was a weird situation that they solved really well; I can’t even think of a better solution than this. This is the smallest set we’ve had in a while, in a good way. I was expecting this to be a bulk set full of those terrible Battle Academy cards we never got alongside a bunch of other...
  5. Grim Thoughts

    New ACE SPEC, Pokevital A, Revealed from “Night Wanderer!”

    Pretty terrible. Completely outclassed by Scoop-Up Cyclone
  6. Grim Thoughts

    “Night Wanderer” TCG Set Officially Revealed Featuring Pecharunt ex and The Loyal Three!

    It would be awesome if we had tool recycling cards better than Roseanne’s Backup or Cyllene to be able to consistently do this. If some sort of item-based tool recycling does get printed, this might actually be a deck lol
  7. Grim Thoughts

    “Twilight Masquerade” Prerelease Promos Revealed!

    I can’t wait to play Festival Lead Control with Thwackey. It’s definitely better than Pidgeot Control imo (have Swirlix or Goldeen with Rescue Board in the active and 3 Thwackeys on the bench, and you can search for THREE cards every turn, rather than one. And it’s a Stage 1, not a Stage 2. No...
  8. Grim Thoughts

    “Night Wanderer” TCG Set Officially Revealed Featuring Pecharunt ex and The Loyal Three!

    I personally think it's a good thing collectors seem to dislike these sets, as someone who appreciates the newer Pokemon designs. More for me lol
  9. Grim Thoughts

    DeNA Developing “Pokemon TCG Pocket” Under Rebranded Pokemon Subsidiary with 50 Million Yen Capital

    Not too interested in this app. I understand the intent, but it does make me wish that they would put more resources into the actual TCG’s online service before creating a pipeline for casuals
  10. Grim Thoughts

    “Twilight Masquerade” Set Guide: Full Card List, Secret Rares, Cut Cards, Products, and More!

    I’m curious when Flamigo ex and Garganacl ex will become a thing in English, I was assuming they would be dumped into this set. I want to make my funny Garganacl ex deck lol
  11. Grim Thoughts

    The Most Broken and Difficult Deck: Pidgeot ex Control

    Have also been considering playing Pidgeot, but will need to get a lot of practice in beforehand. This is the first control deck to be this viable in years, and I’m unsure if it will survive rotation, so I want to try it out before that happens
  12. Grim Thoughts

    Special August English Set May Feature Pecharunt and The Loyal Three!

    This is a very weird situation. I hope the special set isn’t disappointing
  13. Grim Thoughts

    New Zarude Promo in “CoroCoro Ichiban” Magazine!

    Always love the arts on these! Bet we’ll be seeing this as a blister promo or in the dragon special set later this year
  14. Grim Thoughts

    More “Twilight Masquerade” English Cards Revealed, Some Immediately After Japan!

    The past few SV sets have been very unpredictable in terms of their value, so I have no idea how much this set will be liked by collectors. What I do know is that, as a player, this set looks super fun, so I’m hoping that prices are low because I’m gonna want to try a lot of decks lol