PokéBeach.com Forums

Don't worry! for some, I'll respect the catholic tradition and just, beat them with a wooden stick.
As they say, make the crime, do the time.

Also, are you too surprised by the amount of people here on both sides of the issue? What is this? the fourth thread that is made to discuss this? the first gay thread was fairly reasonable, and it might be open still. But these last ones just devolved into... something.
Chaos Jackal
Chaos Jackal
It is a heated debate in general and well... some things don't change. Not immediately at least. Those who oppose the idea go all-out showing their discomfort, and those who support it are out for blood. And so we get a bunch of jerks, know-it-alls and hypocrites alongside others.
That never changes, but I meant that many people seemed to be just... waiting for the right spark to blow up. The first thread was a regular discussion, the second was just news, and then it just, blew up.
It just seems like all the new members had this stuck on their throats for some time (on both sides) and they just blew up.

I must say, I missed this. Top-drawer entertainment.
Chaos Jackal
Chaos Jackal
Yeah, it's sad that this is a Pokemon forum and obviously such conversations shouldn't even exist.

To be honest, it is kinda surprising. As you said, some certainly had it stuck in their throats... and let off steam together. The aggression of the OP certainly played its part there. But their number is quite high indeed. And having two locked threads on the same topic so close to each other is a first.
I don't think it doesn't belong here; part of the reason discussion died is that if you limit yourself to just pokemon-related topics, there's just... not much to talk about. And most other possible topics never got much interest. Even the pony thread is dead now. Also, the age of participants was always a factor, too.
Chaos Jackal
Chaos Jackal
Yeah, was referring to two occasions on the threads when posts by stated that, first and foremost, this is a Pokemon forum and that kind of convo shouldn't be here.
Things have lost interest... I remember a number of older threads back in 2013 that got attention. Probably the last time it was kinda lively. The community's average age has dropped since then, but there's a general lack of interest anyway, sadly.