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Aspiring Trainer
i think this deck could be very good and i plan to play it .. so hereste decklist, :

[3] Gastly : SF-62
[2] Haunter : SF-40,AR-42
[3] Gengar : SF-18
[1] Gengar Lv.X : AR-97
[2] Oddish : LA-112
[2] Gloom : LA-97
[2] Vileplume : UD-24
[3] Smeargle : UD-8
[3] Spiritomb : AR-32
[2] Uxie : LA-43
[2] Crobat G : PL-47
[1] Azelf : LA-19
[1] Unown Q : MD-49


[4] Bebe's Search : MT-109
[2] Broken Time-Space : PL-104
[3] Cynthia's Feelings : LA-131
[1] Expert Belt : AR-87
[2] Looker's Investigation : PL-109
[1] Luxury Ball : SF-86
[1] Palmer's Contribution : SV-139
[3] Pokemon Collector : GS-97
[1] Pokemon Communication : GS-98
[2] Rare Candy : UL-82
[2] Warp Point : MD-88


[2] Call Energy : MD-92
[7] Psychic Energy : GS-119
[2] Warp Energy : SF-95



Some words about the deck , smeargle is with spiritomb a perfekt starter you use the power switch with a warp energy or Q or an energy and then darkess grace , or pitch dark .
Strategy is simple just quickly set up vileplume and gengar and atack with shadow room or poltergeist when plume locks the trainers.
AND i don't want to hear that i cant play trainers.... that can say only a noob , cuz when my opponent KOˇs vileplume , spiritomb you can use them , at the start of the game the same...

Please constructive comments
[3] Gastly : SF-62
Gastly, in most decks of it's kind, always should be run at 4. No exceptions.

[2] Haunter : SF-40,AR-42
3 please.

[3] Gengar : SF-18
[1] Gengar Lv.X : AR-97

[2] Oddish : LA-112
[2] Gloom : LA-97
[2] Vileplume : UD-24

[3] Smeargle : UD-8
[2] Spiritomb : AR-32
4 Spiritomb is definitely a MUST, and 1 Smeargle IMO is enough.

[2] Crobat G : PL-47
How this would fully utilized in a trainer lock? If you cannot Poketurn, they are pretty much bad at 2. One is enough if you like to use them.

[2] Uxie : LA-43
[1] Azelf : LA-19
[1] Unown Q : MD-49

[4] Bebe's Search : MT-109
[2] Broken Time-Space : PL-104
[3] Cynthia's Feelings : LA-131
[2] Looker's Investigation : PL-109
[1] Palmer's Contribution : SV-139
[3] Pokemon Collector : GS-97
Looks good, however Collector is work best at 4 to improve the deck consistency, so does BTS at 4 too.

[1] Expert Belt : AR-87
[1] Luxury Ball : SF-86
[1] Pokemon Communication : GS-98
[3] Rare Candy : UL-82
[2] Warp Point : MD-88
Trainers, in most cases, you would have a Vileplume set up T2, and in most cases - never break the lock. Which means, you will not be able to use trainers at all, and in the long run, they will be dead cards...

[2] Call Energy : MD-92
[7] Psychic Energy : GS-119
[2] Warp Energy : SF-95

Good energy choices, you just need another Call Energy to ensure you won't be donked.

My fixes:
+1 Gastly
+1 Haunter
+2 Spiritomb
+2 Broken Time Space
+1 Pokemon Collector
+1 Call Energy
-2 Warp Point
-1 Rare Candy
-1 Luxury Ball
-1 Pokemon Communication
-2 Smeargle
-1 Crobat
thx for the comments BUT there are many Pokémon with 50 hp and you can crobat + crobat + shadow room them..
smeargle is a special starter combo i think its not bad... i look at my opponents hand use supporter (collector/cyrus-find collecotr in my deck (to find spiritomb if i didnt get it at start draw) use trainers retreat smeargle for spiritomb adn evolve gastly oddish etc.¨

OK i cozuld do 3 spirit and 3 smeargle
and i also may use it sou spiritomb retreat with Q for smeargle , power , then use trainers to set up , warp point/energy and back on spiritomb... so i trainer lock my opponent and use trainers...

and soRry for mi bad english im not from USA/Britain xD
never... cythia is wayy betterthen copycat... i need to drav cards at the start of the game and even if there is trainer lock...
If you start smeargle and not spiritomb then you WILL LOSE because then they play all their trainers early, get set up and beat you. Listen to Jade master's suggestions.. trust me I have tested this deck a lot i am currently 12-1 my one loss was when I did not start spiritomb in fact I think I started azelf that game. If you start spiritomb you have a better chance of getting set up, slow down other decks, and start the trainer lock t1 and if you do not start tomb then you probably wont get the lock,you will not get set up early enough/fast enough and you wont slow down other decks by locking their trainers.
Plus, there is very good odds that you wont get a Collector--->Unown Q/Spiritomb/whatever_3rd_poke_is ... :p
ok... but there are chances that my opp. will start the game .. if not ill just retreat smeargle for spiritomb... but ok ill do 3 spiritombs..