Keshi's pokemon art! New-Arceus+Glaceon

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It was 'bout time I posted one of these threads, time to share some of my artsies
I draw pokemon all the time, so why not put these images to good use. All images in this thread can be used in graphics, fake cards.. what ever you want to use them for! As long as credit is given (just Art by Keshi is fine)

Also, if there is a particular pokemon you would like to see, don't hesitate to mention it. I can't promise it will be drawn but I'm always open for suggestions

Listed oldest to newest~! (If this is too image heavy, I will link all but one)
Charizard + Shiny charizard

Out of pure luck yesterday, I managed to catch the Arceus event at EBgames on the last day so I got myself an Arceus for each of my games! I also watched the movie the other day.. so I was inspired to draw our favourite god pony~



Shiny glaceon

Thanks for looking, all comments are appreciated <3
I still take suggestions on what to do next c:
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

Wow, Keshi, these are VERY good! I would love to see either a Squirtle or Totodile!
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

Only one comment so far? Urgh...

These are all superb Keshi, I'm particularly liking your Gliscor with his crazy pose. Murkrow is also pretty slick.
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

Wow... these look amazing! The poses are all great. Gliscor is my favorite, at the moment.
I can't wait to see more!
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

You are an amasing artist was this done completely digitaly? Superb work, could you possibly teach me?
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

Thanks guys!
Gliscor is in my top 6 pokemon, so I spent a little extra time on him.
There were actually all made for a halloween picture c:
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

Wow! These are amazing! You got some serious talent, ya know. ^.^ Awesome job.
Can you draw things other then Pokémon?
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

Thank you c:
Haha yes, but not people (I can sort of, but would rather not), I stick to drawing pokemon and animals
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

This is great! Amazing work Keshi. You are seriously one good artist!
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

Thanks Charidude, the charizard in your avatar? I actually drew that xD Where did you find it, on deviantart or somewhere else?
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

On google images! Really? You drew it? Well thank you tons. Hope you aren't mad though. didn't know who it belonged to.
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

Oh curse that google! It's alright, I enjoy seeing my art used in graphics. Even if it is accidental haha
I feel like drawing Charizard now
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

May I ask, do you have a deviantART account? I wanna see the rest of your work ^.^
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

Well I was holding off showing it, but I s'pose there is no harm in sharing
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

Why'd you put a squiggly line through the Hydrus Paralix? What is it anyway?
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

Keshi said:
Well I was holding off showing it, but I s'pose there is no harm in sharing

Your work is completely amazing...
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

Haha those are its whiskers!
I work for the petsite subeta, thats one of the colour variations of the pet, the paralix

Totally off topic there xD
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

You are amazing! Maybe the best artist here! How are you able to do that?
RE: Keshi's pokemon art! First editions, Halloween

How am I able to... draw?
I've been drawing since I was about 4, and drawing Pokemon ever since it came out in Australia
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