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Lightning Deck (Ampharos/Luxray)


Aspiring Trainer
duuuuuudeee, im kinda restarting to play this game after a long time and i created a deck that contains lightning pokemon with help from my cousin (ANDREW I KNOW UR READING THIS, I KNOW WHERE U LIVE)

basically what im looking for is, what can be adjusted to make this deck even better and should i add or remove

Energys (23)
lightning (18)
fighting (5)

Supporter (4)
Roseannes Research (2)
Interviewers questions (1)

Trainers (9)
Pokemons Communication (1)
PlusPower (1)
Energy Search (2)
Energy Switch (1)
Potion (1)
Expert Belt (1)
Luxury Ball (1)
Defender (1)

Pokemon (24)
Manectric SV
Zapdos SV
Ampharos SW
Flaaffy X2 SW
Mareep SW
Stantler X2 SW
Electabuzz X2 SW
Electivire SW
Luxio X2 Arceus
Luxray Arceus
Eevee UD
Jolteon UD
Rotom UD
Shinx X2 LA
Eletrike MT
Mareep Platinum
Ampharos HGSS
Rotom MD
Voltorb SF

i know its kinda nooby considering i just restarted but im planing on getting Electivire LVL X and Ampharos PRIME
so tell me what i should add or remove and ill see what i can do im open to any advice

the reason for alot of basics is because alot of them are for searching for energys in the deck or discard pile to easily power up ampharos electivire and luxray and stuff but im open to removing some in place of Uxie LA and stuff so lemme know what u think and if u say bad things ill will find ur house and call u a (NGFGT, Andrew knows what it means)
RE: Lightning Deck

A lot of these cards are rotated out... 23 energy is way too much! At most 14. You need WAY more trainers and at least ten supporters and stadiums such as Broken Time Space and Sunyshore City Gym. Your lines are clunky and all your Pokemon do different things.
RE: Lightning Deck

can you give me a sort of list on what i should be removing/adding for the trainer/support/pokemon please? cause yea.. :D
RE: Lightning Deck

Luxray won't be able to do much as you only play one tool in the deck so you can't take advantage of its attack. Electivire is a pretty inconsistent attack as to do damage you need to discard energy then flip and you may end failing all the flips, also why are you playing {F} energy? The best attacker in this deck would be Ampharos as it has a few viable options.

You can go with Amphy-tric (A combination of Ampharos PL/SW and Manectric PL to shut down your opponents poke powers. This will have little affect of decks that use Super Scoop Up, or SP decks). Or you can go with Amphy-Chomp (A combination of Garchomp SV and Ampharos prime to manipulation energy and punish your opponent for attaching energy onto their pokemon).

Both variants have their strengths and weaknesses. Amphy-Chomp would arguably be the better variant as its more suited to the current format as well as being alot more aggressive as it aims to hit for alot of damage.
RE: Lightning Deck

if your wanting the current modified then your deck would look like this->
1-0-1Ampharos HGSS
1-1 Manectric SV
2-2-1 Luxray Arceus
1-1 Jolteon UD
1-0-1Ampharos HGSS
Zapdos SV
Rotom UD
Rotom MD
Voltorb SF

or is this an unlimited decklist? (Electivire SW is an awesome card). cya
RE: Lightning Deck

No it isn't as the Electivire line, the mareep, Flaffy and Ampharos SW, Electrike and Stantler as well as Roseanne's Research are all illegal. (No POP sets are legal either)
RE: Lightning Deck

i know they are and im willing to take them out if i get a sorta helpful list on what to add as trainer/supporters and stuff
RE: Lightning Deck

i actually just made some trades and picked up lanturn prime and stuff so if i can build around that, thatd be good