Various TCG Stories and Site Updates
»Ruby and Sapphire TCG Challenge: The official Pokémon TCG website has been updates with much more news on the Ruby and Sapphire TCG Challenge. For those of you that don’t know what this event is, it is a tournament that will combine both your TCG and Gameboy skills. You have to play both the TCG with a deck and also battle other people on your Ruby or Sapphire Game Boy games. When you win, you earn two points and when you lose, you only gain one. At the end of the tournament, the person with the highest amount of points wins! To read more about the rules, restrictions, questions, and tips for the tournament, click here and you will be taken to the official page.
»Pokémon Colloseum Date: As I reported earlier, Pokémon Colloseum’s date was changed from December of this year to March 2004. Now, has reported that the game will be released March 8, 2004. Though EBGames has posted the date on their site, Nintendo has not confirmed this specific release date. For the exact page, click here. Though this date could be incorrect, it will definitely be released sometime in March.
»Cartoon Network Schedule Update: Cartoon Network has resumed it’s normal schedule time with a few minor changes. First off, there will only be one episode showing on Friday, which is at 9 p.m. Secondly, there will be no episodes showing at all on Saturday. It seems that the episodes that are showing in the morning at 9 are from the Orange Islands, and the ones showing at 9 at night are from the second season. »Site Updates: As all of you could see when you entered the site, I have changed the header. Just for everyone’s information, I was able to obtain a Pokémon Pinball: Ruby and Sapphire ROM and took some screenshots. In the introduction, there were many Pokémon shown and that is where I was able to get the pictures of the Pokémon in the banner. I am also having second thoughts on the header, since it is kind of cluttered and Mudkip is already in the News and Site Updates picture. It may be changed later on this week or when I am bored. For now, just live with it. Over the last week, the Site Updates picture was changed as well, and the left and right menus on the main page were extended. As for the results of last week’s poll, most people got the answer correct, being that you can only retreat one Pokémon per turn as one of the new Nintendo rules. For this week’s poll, it features a question on the Advanced Generation episodes. »Temporary News Page Reminders |