Pokemon 3 – Spell of the Unown Airing on Cartoon Network

Pokemon 3 – Spell of the Unown Airing on Cartoon Network
By: [Water Pokémon Master] — Wednesday – April 14th, 2004

»Pokemon 3 on Cartoon Network: This Friday, Cartoon Network will be showing Pokemon 3. The movie will start at 5 PM, and will end at 6:30 PM, which probably means that the Pichu Brothers mini-movie will not be shown. Incase you have forgotten, Pokemon 3 features Entei and the Unown. The Unown tap into the imagination of a little girl named Molly, and make her dreams come real through the creation of Entei. Of course, I am sure most of us have this movie on DVD or VHS, but it is always fun to watch one of the Pokemon movies on television when you know people around the country are watching it too.