New EX Hidden Legends Info, EX Team M/A Sold Out, Jungle Scans Coming!
»New Types of Holofoils in EX Hidden Legends: EX Hidden Legends will be featuring new types of holofoil cards. So far, we know the cards that will have this new holo style will be Regirock ex, Regice ex, and Registeel ex. The holos look like a cross between an EX-holo and a Crystal holo (such as Nidoking, Lugia, and Kingdra from Aquapolis). To see an example of what the holofoils for the Regi’s will look like, you can look at the Japanese version of Regice ex from by [clicking here]. We will keep you updated on EX Hidden Legends as more info is released.
»Jungle Scans Up Within the Week: Shakespeare from the PokeGym has sent me all of the Jungle scans. For the rest of the week, I will be editing the scans, and will eventually get them uploaded for your viewing pleasure. Thanks Shakespeare for all your hard work in scanning them! |
»Be sure to sign up for our Pokemon Apprentice League in the forums if you have downloaded Apprentice. If you want to download Apprentice and sign up for our league, join our message boards by [clicking here], and then going to Pokemon League under Apprentice League and reading through the three topics, which is where you download it and sign up. |