»Deoxys TCG Set: Today we have quite a few scans from the Deoxys set, Beyond the Blue Sky, thanks to the official Japanese TCG website and vincent0906 from the PokeGym. First off, the very first image you see to the right (click for larger image) contains all three Deoxys ex, a Ludicolo line, and a Shiftry line. All three Deoxys appear to have the same Pokemon Power, which could mean they are like the Castforms in that you can interchange them. The first of the Deoxys cards is the normal form of Deoxys, the middle is the Attack Form of Deoxys, and the last one is the Defensive Form of Deoxys. As you can see, Defensive Form Deoxys has lower HP then the Attack one, which is odd since you would think it would have more. However, a translation done by Dkj_Poke from the PokeGym suggests that the reason for this is because it can prevent damage from other ex-Pokemon. Another odd thing about some of the cards in the first image is that they do not have the same set symbol, which means they could either be promos related to the set or are apart of the half decks you can get, which is probably what the Shiftry and Ludicolo lines are from. The two images below this news story (click for larger images) are from vincent0906 from the PokeGym, and we know for sure that they are from the Deoxys set, since he scanned them himself. Holos you can see in his scans are Whiscash, Dusclops, and Shedinja. Incase you are confused about when the Deoxys set comes out, think of EX Hidden Legends, which was the set just released. The set after that, EX FireRed and LeafGreen, will be coming out this August. Now, the set after EX FireRed and LeafGreen is the Deoxys set. In other words, America will have this set in two more sets (probably in late 2004). Keep it at PokeBeach for all the latest news on the Deoxys TCG set, and the latest news from the Pokemon World.
