»Pokemon Box in United States: It has now been confirmed that the United States will be getting Pokemon Box. Incase you do not know what Pokemon Box is, it is a Gamecube game that allows you to store your Pokemon from Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, and LeafGreen onto a Gamecube Memory Card via Pokemon Box for safekeeping. Included with the game will be a GBA to Gamecube link cable and a Gamecube Memory Card. Another very cool feature about the game is that if you do not have the Gameboy Player that allows you to play GBA games on television, Pokemon Box will allow you to play Ruby, Sapphire, FireRed, and LeafGreen right on your own television! Also, if you order the game from the official online Pokemon Center store, you will get two badges of a Scizor and Pikachu. To read more about Pokemon Box and to order it from PokemonCenter.com, you can [click here].
»Deoxys Movie Characters: The official Japanese Deoxys site has put up a new section showing some of the characters that will be in the movie. We already know that Deoxys, Rayquaza, Gonbe, Plusle, and Minun will be in the movie, but what about the humans? To the right, you can see the little boy who the movie will revolve around, named Tooi, as well as his father (the man with the white hair) and his mother (the lady with the black hair). The other two characters are not known of and their roles in the movie have not yet been revealed. However, we do know that all of these characters will be played by famous Japanese actors, which will definitely bring more attention to the movie in Japan. To visit the Japanese Deoxys movie website, you can [click here].
»Kids’ WB Buys More Seasons: 4Kids recently released a press release stating that Kids’ WB has bought the next three seasons of Pokemon. Incase you don’t know how big that is, it is an equivelant to all of the Johto episodes, from the first one with Ash seeing Suicune to the last one where Ash is on the boat to Hoenn. That’s a lot of episodes! This just shows Pokemon is not going to end anytime soon, and will at the least last for another three years in America. The press release also stated that the seventh season of Pokemon will begin in September of this year.
»Scans Delayed: Alright, I had a very busy day and had no time to do any scanning or editing. As I stated in the previous news story, I have to study for finals, which will be Wednesday and Thursday for me, then school is out! So, if I do not update between now and Thursday, do not be surprised. I will be studying away. :)