My laptop came today in the mail, totally fixed. (when I say today, I mean Tuesday, since when I do the updates, I do them one day ahead) This weekend, after I finish my English project, I will try to get up an EX set since I know it would be in the players’ best interests.
More EX Team Rocket Returns Stuff
There were a few things I forgot to include in the last update, which are possible Pokemon that could be in the set. On the Japanese version booster pack (seen on the right), we can see various shadows of Pokemon – one of which we know will be in the set (Mewtwo), and others that were in the original Team Rocket set (Gloom, Golbat, Weezing). Pokemon shadows that appear on the booster pack are Scyther, Crobat, Golbat, Weezing, Houndoom, Mewtwo, and Marowak. There are two other Pokemon on the booster pack that are hard to tell who they are, which are located right above the white Japanese writing over the R. It is hard to tell who they are, but as soon as a larger image of the booster pack comes out, we will be able to tell who is who. Expect more EX Team Rocket Returns news this Saturday since the Japanese websites like to update then.
Free Premier Events The official Pokemon TCG website has posted some cool news! For the year of 2005 (and possibly for the rest of forever), all City Championships, State Championships, Gym Challenges, Stadium Challenges, and even the National Championships will have no admission fees! This means that from now on, you will not have to whip out ten bucks to play in a tournament that you possibly will not win anything in. This is great news for people whom are tight on budget, or that have to pay using their own money. To read the full article from the official TCG website, you can [click here].
Pokemon Emerald Wallpaper
Infoseek, a Japanese website, has put up four very cool Pokemon Emerald backgrounds for your desktop. You can download the backgrounds by visiting [this page]. Be sure to choose the right screen resolution or your background could be too stretched or too big in size. To find out your screen resolution, go to your desktop. Right click on it, click Properties, and then go to the Settings tab. In that tab, there will be a small dial somewhere (under the words “Screen Resolution”) that is between the words “Less” and “More.” The numbers under it are your screen resolution, such as “640 by 800,” “800 by 600,” or “1024 by 768.” (these are the only three available on the website for download). When you find out your screen resolution numbers, go to the website and download the wallpaper(s) you want by clicking your screen resolution numbers under the wallpaper thumbnails. Once you have downloaded it, right click on the Desktop again, and go to the Background tab. Then click the “Browse” button on the left of the list, and look for where you saved your background. Select the background you want, then hit “Apply” and then “Ok.” |