Friday – October 29th, 2004
.:: Friday – October 29th, 2004 |
![]() Anyways, on with the info! The info in this paragraph has been confirmed by our sources, and should be 100% true. First of all, the box topper for EX Team Rocket Returns will be a Charmeleon with an attack of Smokescreen (who wants to bet the boxtopper for the next set will be Charizard?). Secondly, the holo style for reverse holofoils has changed. Reverse holos will now have the name of the card in golden letters, along with a golden imprint of the set name on the card. According to our sources, the reverse holos in this set are the best yet and are totally cool then any previous set! As with the last set, the holofoil style on the cards will still be the same. With all the improvements that are being made to reverse holofoil cards, they will probably be more sought out then regular holos! The info in this paragraph is unconfirmed and may not be true. We know that there will be a pre-release promo as there always has been for the set, but are unclear on to whether they will be different in anyway. Our sources hinted at that the promos would be different in some way, but we are unclear to what they meant. The card may not be from the actual set this time, but this info was not confirmed and may be wrong. Now for the tournaments themselves. This info is 100% confirmed and is factual. Winners in each age category will receive a large pin for winning their age category, which did not happen before. It seems like Nintendo and POP are working really hard to please everyone who attends pre-releases, and we should be thanking them for everything they are doing compared to Wizards of the Coast! Anyways, that’s all the info we bring to you today, one day before the pre-releases start. Remember, we will have card scans of the set up on Saturday night or Sunday morning as we have in the past, so be sure to keep checking here since we will probably be the first website to have them up! |
.:: By: [Water Pokémon Master] |