‘Pokemon Sunday’ Reveals Mr. Brocolli: Yanappu!
Update #2 (Monday, 10:30 AM) – The official Pokemon Black and White website has posted a clear screenshot of Yanappu in battle along with a clear image of its Ken Sugimori artwork, as you can see below. | Update (5:00 PM) – Uploaded a low-quality video below. Sorry about the audio – I wasn’t expecting them to reveal anything and didn’t have time to set my computer to record the incoming sound so it took it from my built-in mic instead. I also opened the recording program so fast I didn’t get to adjust the size, which is why the video is cropped.
Pokemon Sunday just finished airing and revealed the green Pokemon that was first revealed as a toy several weeks ago: its name is Yanappu (ヤナップ). It is the Grass Monkey Pokemon, a pure Grass-type, knows a new attack named Acrobat, and its ability is Gluttony. In triple battles, Acrobat allows Yanappu to hit Pokemon outside its normal range, such as the opponent’s Pokemon to the far left if it’s on the far right. The attack’s base power doubles when Yanappu does not have a hold item. In the video below, Acrobat is super effective against Tsutaaja, meaning it is most likely a Flying-type move. The Grass Monkey Pokemon stands 0.6m tall and weighs 10.5kg.
The Pokemon Sunday crew stated Yanappu is owned by someone in Best Wishes. I’ll place my bet on Dento, especially since he is a waiter and the Pokemon resembles broccoli with oven mittens – imagine it climbing trees to get food for Ash and crew, then Dento cooking it (the food, not Yanappuu). This may mean Dento is a Grass-type Gym Leader as well. His hair color is green, a green background in used on his official Ken Sugimori artwork, and he ordered an unseen Pokemon in Thursday’s video to use Solar Beam (perhaps Yanappu?). Green = Grass! Thanks go to Sabonea Masukippa and Bangiras for translating the above information!