New BW Mini-Set in January: ‘Dragon Selection’
We should have scans of Noble Victories sometime before Friday depending on if/when they are sent to me and when I have time to edit them!
So many new Japanese releases! On January 27th, a new BW mini-set called Dragon Selection will be released in Japan. As the booster pack below shows, it will feature Dragon-type Pokemon like Rayquaza, Druddigon, and Haxorus. Each booster box will only have 15 booster packs (as opposed to 20), with the standard five cards per pack, but the booster boxes will cost about $10 more than usual. Why less cards per box but more cost? According to preliminary product information, all of the cards in the booster packs will be holographic, meaning the entire set will be holographic as well!
At this time we do not know how many cards the set will feature, but since it’s being sold in stores, it should at least be around 40 cards or so like the LEGEND era’s Lost Link mini-set. Thanks goes to Bangiras for the translations and our forum mod Viper.Fox for the heads-up!