Japan’s September Set: BW7 ‘Plasma Gale,’ Upcoming Deck Releases
Update (10:00 AM, Tuesday) – Added info on new Battle Strength deck releases below thanks to Viper.Fox. | Update (9:30 AM, Tuesday) – Added the set’s booster pack below thanks to HeatRotomFTW97. Looks like Lugia will be in the set!
Japan’s seventh Black and White set will be named Plasma Gale and will be released on September 14th. It will feature over 70 cards, but no other details are known about it at this time. To accompany the set, a “Plasma Gang’s Power Deck,” a half-deck, will also be released for 700 yen.
Another new product called “Top Player Choice Master Deck Build” will also be released on September 14th. It will feature 140 predetermined cards, a card box with dividers, and a guide on how to build “Master Decks,” all for 4,200 yen (about $53).
And on top of all of the above, on October 19th, new “Battle Strength Black Kyurem-EX” and “Battle Strength White Kyurem-EX” 60-card decks will be released. They will cost 1,680 yen and will obviously feature the aforementioned Pokemon-EX.