Pokemon Mailing Out “Special Sneak Peeks” to Select Twitter Users
Pokemon’s Twitter account has sent out direct messages to a few of their Twitter followers promising to send them a “sneak peek at something special” in the mail. Those selected are asked to e-mail their home address to Pokemon’s official e-mail account. Upon receiving the user’s address, Pokemon replies from the same official e-mail account with a promise to send out the surprise at the end of next week.
What could the sneak peek be? Could it be related to Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire… or something else entirely? Thanks goes to forum user Teeboy23 for giving us the heads up on this story and allowing us to log in to his Twitter account to verify Pokemon’s message! We will let you know what the “sneak peek” is as soon as he or other selected Twitter users receive the surprise in the mail. Stay tuned!