Full Art Wicke from SM3!
Wicke from SM3 has been revealed for the first time! She will presumably have a regular art version in the set as well. SM3 will be released in Japan next Friday, and we’ll of course have exclusive early information before then. Stay tuned!
Each player shuffles their hand into their deck and draws a new hand of the same number of cards.
You can play only 1 Supporter card during your turn (before your attack).
Wicke is basically a reprint of Sabrina’s Gaze from Gym Heroes, but as a Supporter.
She’s also… well endowed? I thought this was a kid’s game! :x
Update: My apologies, the original thumbnail for this news story was auto generated by WordPress. I was too tired last night to upload a manually cropped one, as I usually do, and thought it was funny how it selected that center portion of the image when I finally saw it. Had it been Guzma’s crotch, I would have left it too. :x