‘Let’s Go! Pikachu & Eevee’ Demos at E3!
Nintendo is currently holding a livestream from E3 where Junichi Masuda is exhibiting the demos for Let’s Go! Pikachu and Let’s Go! Eevee!
Keep refreshing this page for updates! Here’s what’s been revealed so far…
It just started, Masuda is explaining how Pokemon GO inspired these games.
- The demo has begun in Viridian Forest. They encounter a wild Kakuna. Like Pokemon GO, you no longer weaken a Pokemon, you just throw a Poke Ball. You’re given an option to throw a Berry at the Pokemon as well.
- You gain EXP. Points from capturing a wild Pokemon which are shared among all Pokemon in your party. The EXP. Points depend on the size of the Pokemon.
- You can do different throwing motions to capture a Pokemon. Later on in the games, Pokemon will be moving around, so you have to try different throwing techniques to catch them.
- You can also get Items from Trainers you defeat, like 3 Poke Balls.
- A red aura around a wild Pokemon indicates it’s a big Pokemon whereas a blue aura indicates it’s small. They want you to capture multiple Pokemon of the same species so you gain EXP. Points for your party.
- A Pokemon still has all its usual stats (image above).
- A second player can jump in at any time, like during a wild Pokemon encounter or in a Trainer battle. If you and a friend join a Trainer battle, it can be you and your Pokemon vs. that Trainer’s one Pokemon (2-vs-1).
- Like in GO, the higher a Pokemon’s CP is, the higher its overall stats are.
- The rival in the games is named Trace. He’s kind and gets scared easily. Not like Gary!
- To enter Pewter Gym you have to have a Water or Grass Pokemon.
I’m currently first in line at E3 to play the demos myself and will report any additional news in a later news story on the site. Stay tuned!