‘Cosmic Eclipse’ Largest Set in History, Contains At Least 271 Cards
The last Sun & Moon set will be the largest Pokemon set in history.
Thanks to early openings on social media, we now Cosmic Eclipse‘s secret rares up to #271/236. This beats Unified Minds‘s 258 cards and GX Ultra Shiny‘s 250 cards.
The 50+ secret rares from TAG All Stars will not be in this set (thank Arceus). TPCi may save them for next year’s holiday set.
The character rare cards will occupy the reverse holo slot. This means it should be much easier to collect them.
If there are any secret rares after #271, we don’t know what they are yet.
The fact we’re now caught up with Japan lines up with my theory article on why I think we’ll get synced releases starting next year.
To see the full Cosmic Eclipse set list and spoilers, check out this news story.
#237/236: Torkoak
- #238/236: Weavile
- #239/236: Piplup
- #240/236: Wishiwashi
- #241/236: Pikachu
- #242/236: Magnemite
- #243/236: Koffing
- #244/236: Gallade
- #245/236: Mimikyu
- #246/236: Excadrill
- #247/236: Steelix
- #248/236: Stoutland
- #249/236: Venusaur & Snivy-GX
- #250/236: Vileplume-GX
- #251/236: Charizard & Braixen-GX
- #252/236: Volcarona-GX
- #253/236: Blastoise & Piplup-GX
- #254/236: Solgaleo & Lunala-GX
- #255/236: Oriocorio-GX
- #256/236: Flygon-GX
- #257/236: Alolan Persian-GX
- #258/236: Arceus & Dialga & Palkia-GX
- #259/236: Reshiram & Zekrom-GX
- #260/236: Naganadel & Guzzlord-GX
- #261/236: Mega Lopunny & Jigglypuff-GX
- #262/236: Silvally-GX
- #263/236: Giant Hearth
- #264/236: Great Catcher
- #265/236: Island Challenge Amulet
- #266/236: Lana’s Fishing Rod
- #267/236: Lillie’s Clefairy Doll
- #268/236: Martial Arts Dojo
- #269/236: Power Plant
- #270/236: Tag Whistle
- #271/236: Draw Energy
Thanks goes to Luis M. for the photos!