New ‘Pokemon Event Manager’ for Tournament Organizers! has announced a new “Pokemon Event Manager” to replace the ancient Tournament Operations Manager (TOM). The software allows organizers to manage tournaments and will go into use when Play! Pokemon events resume. Professors and Tournament Organizers will soon be able to download the software via the OP Tools Dashboard in their Play! Pokemon account.

The Pokémon Event Manager (PEM) is a new application for tracking Play! Pokémon sanctioned competitions. It’s available as early-access software for Professors and Tournament Organizers so they can explore and become familiar with it.

With the new PEM, organizers will be able to create new tournaments directly from within the software itself, making it easier and faster to set up events. PEM will also have online Player ID verification when it’s connected to the internet. These are just some of the exciting features to check out, and many more are on the way.

PEM will replace the existing Tournament Operations Manager (TOM) software as soon as live Play! Pokémon events resume. For the time being, Professors and Organizers can use PEM to practice creating dummy events and uploading results using player accounts generated just for testing purposes.

The current version does not support larger tournaments, such as the Regional Championships, but that functionality and other related features will be available before those events take place next.

PEM is under continual development, so look forward to regular updates that improve functionality and add features to this software. If you are a Professor or Tournament Organizer and have questions about this software, feel free to reach out to Pokémon Support.