Sander Does it Again — The Unstoppable Attacking Mewtwo V-UNION
Sander Wojcik made Top 8 at the Stuttgart Regional Championships, and of course, it was with a deck that is anything but normal. In fact, many cards in Sander’s deck had never seen competitive play, and probably never will outside of this deck. Sander is known for playing control decks, so when he tweeted about Stuttgart Regionals, saying that his deck was “The most fun I have ever played,” I wasn’t sure what to expect. As it turns out, the deck revolved around Mewtwo V-UNION, which instantly brought on flashbacks to the North America International Championships earlier this year. Sander, Mees, and some other players brought a surprising and revolutionary Mewtwo V-UNION stall deck to the biggest tournament of all time. As I was playing Arceus VSTAR / Inteleon, I fell victim to Sander in Day 2 with no way to actually take out his Mewtwo V-UNION.
This time, however, was very different. Rather than using Mewtwo V-UNION to stall with its ridiculous Super Regeneration attack, making the game last dozens of turns of nothing happening, this version of the deck is more aggressive. In addition to Super Regeneration, Mewtwo V-UNION has two crazy-powerful offensive attacks. Final Burn does a flat 300 damage, and Psysplosion allows you to place s16 damage counters wherever you want on your opponent’s board, which can potentially KO multiple Pokemon at once.
The deck is build around Gengar and Radiant Tsareena, which keep Mewtwo V-UNION alive and healthy while it unloads kill shot after kill shot onto the opponent’s board. This is how the deck is able to deal with decks like Lugia VSTAR, which can deal more damage than Mewtwo V-UNION will be able to heal on its own. That said, against something like Origin Forme Palkia VSTAR or Duraludon VMAX with a lower damage cap, you can pivot into the stall strategy if needed. Super Regeneration is capable of beating some decks on its own.
The engine for this deck is extremely creative and absurdly good. Aside from the usual Gormandize Snorlax that gets paired with Mewtwo V-UNION, the deck also focuses on Kirlia. Kirlia is the perfect support Pokemon for the deck. Kirlia draws cards to help get to the bottom of the deck, discards Mewtwo V-UNION pieces and Basic Psychic Energy, and is a Psychic-type Pokemon to work with the Gengar. This deck wants to draw aggressively with Snorlax and Kirlia so it can quickly assemble the Mewtwo V-UNION pieces. Furthermore, you need to find Gengar and Rare Candy, and the deck only plays one copy of each.
Basically, this deck plays like Mewtwo V-UNION stall when it comes to drawing tons of cards and manipulating the Prizes with Peonia. The main difference is that Mewtwo V-UNION can quickly sweep boards by being aggressive. I’ve changed only two cards from Sander’s list. Here’s what I have currently:
Mewtwo V-UNION Deck List

From Sander’s list, I cut Yell Horn because I didn’t really understand why it was there (which might be a problem with me). I also cut a V Guard Energy because I’m pretty sure you only need one copy in the deck. I added Team Yell's Cheer because it smooths things out with the deck, helps recover Pokemon when needed, and makes the infinite loop more reliable when you’re going with the stall strategy. I added a second copy of Fan of Waves to help against Mew VMAX, especially the Fusion Strike Energy version. One Fan of Waves might be a bit slow and unreliable against the blisteringly fast Mew VMAX deck, and you need to get the combo with Shadow Rider Calyrex V‘s Shadow Mist as soon as possible.
Most of the list is fairly straightforward, with many of the spots dedicated to consistency cards. Gardevoir serves a few purposes. First of all, it provides an extra draw option, because you can use Kirlia’s Refinement and then evolve it to Gardevoir to draw even more cards. This effect compounds with Scoop Up Net. Gardevoir can also KO Meloetta if needed. Finally, it heals more damage when you use Scoop Up Net on it, than an extra use of Radiant Tsareena. If you wanted to, you could potentially try to build the deck in such a way that it can consistently get Basic Psychic Energy off Gardevoir’s Shining Arcana. This would allow you to start attacking with Mewtwo V-UNION immediately without needing to use Union Gain. This way, Mewtwo V-UNION would be able to get a devastating preemptive strike before taking damage and forcing you to heal. This would almost certainly involve Oranguru‘s Primate Wisdom for one Psychic Energy, along with one Cyllene heads for the other one.
This concludes the public portion of this article.
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