Over 25 Spanish cards from Paldea Evolved have been revealed through foreign gaming outlets and collected by our friends at WikiDex.
Around 30 cards will be cut from our set and presumably moved to August’s Obsidian Flames. This thread on our forums is beginning to catalog the cut cards.
Paldea Evolved will release on June 9th. Our set will be a combination of the cards from Japan’s Triplet Beat, Snow Hazard & Clay Burst, and the “Pikachu ex Starter Deck.”
You can read more about Paldea Evolved and its products in this news story.
#022 Bramblin
#024 Brambleghast
#027 Wo-Chien ex
#028 Paldean Tauros
#041 Paldean Tauros
#053 Cetoddle
#055 Cetitan
#058 Frigibax
#059 Arctibax
#060 Baxcalibur
#063 Pikachu ex
#078 Tadbulb
#079 Bellibolt ex
#082 Kilowattrel
#098 Ceruledge
#099 Rabsca
Tinkaton Line
#108 Paldean Tauros
#145 Shroodle
#146 Grafaiai
#150 Copperajah ex
#170 Clavel
#185 Iono
#196 Sprigatito
#197 Floragato
#201 Fuecoco
#202 Crocalor
#211 Raichu
#213 Gothorita
#215 Rabsca
#219 Sudowoodo
#222 Tyranitar
#223 Grafaiai
#224 Orthworm
#227 Flamigo
#229 Dudunsparce
#244 Paldean Clodsire ex
#256 Meowscarada ex
#265 Boss’s Orders
#268 Grusha
#269 Iono
#270 Saguaro