Pokemon has officially announced the end of support and the sunset date for the Pokemon Trading Card Game Online (PTCGO). Its apps will be removed from the Google Play Store, the App Store, and from Pokemon.com on 5 June 2023 at 9am Pacific Time. At that time, the game’s servers will go offline.
In order to continue to play the Pokémon Trading Card Game with other players in a digital setting, players will need to migrate to the new Pokémon Trading Card Game Live (TCGL).
Most codes that would have been redeemable in PTCGO will continue to be redeemable in TCG Live.
The full text of the Pokemon’s Letter to the Community follows below.
Dear Pokémon TCG fans,
At the end of January, we announced that digital Pokémon TCG products launched after March 1 would no longer be supported in the Pokémon Trading Card Game Online to help ensure that development resources are dedicated to making Pokémon TCG Live the best experience possible for players. On June 5, 2023, at 9:00 a.m. PDT, the Pokémon TCG Online will be removed from the App Store, Google Play, and Pokemon.com and game servers will be shut down.
The Development Team is grateful for all the community’s support of this game. Witnessing your contributions throughout the years shows how strong and invested the digital Pokémon TCG community is. This passion has flourished with new and old players alike, and we cannot wait to see this community continue to grow with Pokémon TCG Live.
We’re excited to announce that on June 8, 2023, the Pokémon TCG Live game will officially launch. To celebrate our community and the end of global beta, any player who logs in to Pokémon TCG Live between May 2, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. PDT through June 6, 2023, at 10:00 a.m. PDT will receive a special gift that includes a unique global beta coin, deck box, and card sleeves.
With these dates announced, it’s important to note that players can still migrate their accounts even after the servers have been shut down. There’s currently no assigned cutoff date for migrating your account and collection. Should that change, we will update the community in advance of any final migration cutoff. In the meantime, we invite you to take an opportunity to read here about what to expect before and after migrating your account to Pokémon TCG Live.
As we look to the future, we can’t wait to share with everyone how Pokémon TCG Live will evolve and improve with your help. We are committed to working alongside this amazing community to create the premier digital Pokémon TCG experience that all types of players can enjoy. Thank you for your contributions and support during the global beta.
—The Pokémon Trading Card Game Live Development Team
Below is the screen that greets players with the aforementioned global beta coin, deck box, and card sleeves as a reward for signing in during the login window.
The coin, sleeves, and deck box players will receive upon logging in between 2 May and 6 June.