“Pokemon Sleep” Preregistration Opens, New Details Revealed Ahead of July Launch

TPCi just announced that preregistration has started for Pokemon Sleep on Google Play. As posted before, the app will release in late July.

A new trailer and details have also been revealed:


How to Play Pokémon Sleep

To play Pokémon Sleep, players place their smartphone device or Pokémon GO Plus + by their pillow and go to sleep. When they wake up, they can check the results of the sleep tracking, study the sleep styles of the Pokémon that have appeared, and work together with Pokémon sleep researcher Professor Neroli to record them in the Sleep Style Dex. The more sleep players get, and the bigger Snorlax becomes, the more Pokémon they can meet, and the more sleep styles they’ll be able to discover. Players can also raise Snorlax during the day.

The Three Sleep Types

Pokémon Sleep categorizes sleep into three types: Dozing, Snoozing, and Slumbering. Pokémon whose sleeping pattern matches the player’s sleep type will gather around Snorlax. After players have studied the sleep styles of the gathered Pokémon, they can give Pokémon Poké Biscuits. This will make them friendlier, and they’ll become able to join players as helper Pokémon.

Gather Drowsy Power and Raise Snorlax

In Pokémon Sleep, players will be assigned a “sleep score” based on how long they’ve slept. Players get 100 points when they sleep for at least 8.5 hours. The longer players sleep, the greater Snorlax’s Drowsy Power will become, which in turn determines how many Pokémon gather each time they wake up.

During the day, the player’s helper Pokémon will gather Berries to give to Snorlax, and can activate skills to support them in raising Snorlax. Helper Pokémon can gather Berries even during times of the day when Pokémon Sleep is not being played.

New Research Begins Every Monday

Every Monday, players will choose a new site to move to and encounter a new Snorlax to raise there. This begins a new week of sleep research. The Pokémon encountered will differ depending on the area players are in. More Pokémon may come to sleep on the weekends, and there may even be rarer species than usual!

Share Sleep Research with Friends in the Research Community

Players can register another player as a friend to share their sleep duration and sleep type with them, as well as information like the number of sleep styles studied and the Pokémon in their helper teams. Players can also get rewards for reviewing their friends’ sleep research.