Top 20 Most Valuable Cards from “Wild Force” and “Cyber Judge!”
Wild Force & Cyber Judge released in Japan on Friday!
We’ve gathered the average card prices from Mercari, a popular auction website. These prices give us a clue of the initial interest in these cards. These prices are current as of today.
We will get the cards from Japan’s Wild Force & Cyber Judge in our Temporal Forces set in March.
Raging Bolt ex (SIR): 5,500 yen ($37)
- Morty’s Conviction (SIR): 4,700 yen ($32)
- Walking Wake ex (SIR): 4,000 yen ($27)
- Eri (SIR): 4,000 yen ($27)
- Gouging Fire ex (SIR): 3,000 yen ($20)
- Raging Bolt ex (HR): 2,000 yen ($14)
- Gengar ex (FA): 1,700 yen ($12)
- Walking Wake ex (HR): 1,100 yen ($7)
- Gouging Fire ex (HR): 1,110 yen ($7)
- Eri (FA): 1,000 yen ($7)
Bianca’s Sincerity (SIR): 15,000 yen ($102)
- Bianca’s Sincerity (FA): 4,000 yen ($27)
- Iron Crown ex (SIR): 3,300 yen ($22)
- Cryptomaniac’s Deciphering (FA): 3,200 yen ($22)
- Iron Leaves ex (SIR): 2,200 yen ($15)
- Prime Catcher: 2,000 yen ($14)
- Salvatore (SIR): 1,200 yen ($8)
- Iron Boulder ex (SIR): 1,100 yen ($7)
- Iron Crown ex (HR): 1,100 yen ($7)
- Iron Leaves ex (HR): 900 yen ($6)
As expected, Bianca’s SIR tops the lists. The card does not have the most impressive effect, unlike Iono, which sells for far more. Its top place is more likely due to it featuring a popular female character.
Prime Catcher is the only main set card to make the list. It features a powerful effect that will be used in many decks.
No Illustration Rare tops the lists, as they’re far more common to pull. The most expensive is Metagross and Flutter Mane (400 yen / $3), followed by Gastly (300 yen / $2), and then the rest go for 200 yen ($1).
The top six from Wild Force are Flutter Mane, Gastly, Cinccino, Snom, Relicanth, and Arbok.
The top six from Cyber Judge are Metagross, Litten, Drampa, Iron Thorns, Sawsbuck, and Deerling.