Raging Bolt, Iron Boulder from Stellar Miracle!

Raging Bolt and Iron Boulder have just been revealed from Stellar Miracle, which releases in Japan on July 19th. We expect its cards to become part of our Stellar Crown on September 13th.

Raging Bolt – Dragon – HP130
Basic Pokémon (Ancient)

[L][F] Raging Thunderstorm: This attack does 30 damage to 1 of your opponent’s Pokémon for each Energy attached to this Pokémon. (Don’t apply Weakness and Resistance for Benched Pokémon.)

[L][F][C] Dragon Headbutt: 130 damage.

Weakness: None
Resistance: None
Retreat: 3

Iron Boulder – Psychic – HP140
Basic Pokémon (Future)

[P][C] Adjustable Horn: 170 damage. If you do not have the same number of cards in your hand as your opponent, this attack does nothing.

Weakness: Darkness (x2)
Resistance: Fighting (-30)
Retreat: 3


Competitively these are weird . They both seem slightly underpowered with raging bolt POSSIBLY could come up similar to Eiscue FST but other than that they seem a lil weak. Maybe Iron Crown/Iron Boulder after F block rotates but that will be quite a while. Intresting regardless.
Man I really wanted Boulder to have a good one prizer. Sure it works with Judge, Trimmer and Xerosic, a handful of other cards when you're playing GLC or Expanded but is it even worth it? Bummer.

Raging Bolt seems pretty solid for GLC though, but given Dragon doesn't have many spread options I doubt it'll be seen that often. I still enjoy it though.
Raging Bolt seems hard to use unless you can accelerate a sizable amount of fighting or lightning energy to a…dragon Pokémon. 130 for 3 isn’t great.

Iron Boulder looks like another “if you played X supporter this turn” Pokémon (that supporter being Judge or Iono if the prize count is equal). It could be a good backup-to-the-backup attacker in psychic decks or a solid one time attacker in GLC.
Am I crazy? Iron Boulder, which can be boosted via Iron Crown and the Future Booster item, seems good. That's a ton of damage for a basic single prizer, and getting the same number really isn't that hard via Iono and basic draw power. I could see a single-prize future deck being not that unreasonable.

The Raging Bolt isn't bad either, it can easily snipe 60 to 90 damage which isn't bad at all. I'm interested to see if these can make it in any decks; I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't, but they aren't obviously throw-away bulk to me.
Had the Raging Bolt done 40 damage instead of 30 it would have been perfect for Raging Bolt’s Gardevoir matchup, as the two energy would have hit for a KO on Kirlia, but instead we’re doing 60, which doesn’t do much when nobody runs 60 hp basics right now.
I’m alright with that, though, I’m glad that they aren’t trying to give each archetype a new broken card every set.
And then Iron Boulder is just kind of ok. Base 170 is good, considering the low damage output of future in general, but the same hand size limitation will be a bit tricky even with judge and trimmer in standard
Raging bolt could maybe be used over sandy shocks but idk. It looks fine
Maybe but problem is this Raging bolt hits only 60 with 2 energy attached while Sandy Shocks does easy 90 damage and need only 1 energy attached to itself if total energy in play is atleast 3

You lose more energies if Raging bolt is attacking instead of sandy shocks and gets ko'ed and it will pretty easy
Am I crazy? Iron Boulder, which can be boosted via Iron Crown and the Future Booster item, seems good. That's a ton of damage for a basic single prizer, and getting the same number really isn't that hard via Iono and basic draw power. I could see a single-prize future deck being not that unreasonable.

The Raging Bolt isn't bad either, it can easily snipe 60 to 90 damage which isn't bad at all. I'm interested to see if these can make it in any decks; I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't, but they aren't obviously throw-away bulk to me.
Is very situational. Energy can't be loaded up reliably and needs a judge. Even for future box standards, thereis better stuff to load up with miraidon's attack,

Raging bolt isn't better either. It snipes for 60 after wasting a sada and manual attachment, which is a bad output.
Raging Bolt seems like a good one prize inclusion tbh, good for sniping and cards like Mimikyu
Its terrible. Sandy shocks already outs mimikyu and asks for much less. To kill mimi (or any 70 hp basic which are the optimal ones atm), you need 3 energies on bad bolt, which can't be done in a single turn. Card was designed to be unplayable