Most Valuable and Least Valuable Cards from “Stellar Miracle!”
Stellar Miracle released in Japan yesterday!
I’ve gathered the average card prices from Mercari, a popular auction website. These prices give us a clue of the initial interest in these cards. These are the most valuable cards in the set:
#131 Lacey Lacey (SIR): 13,000 – 15,000 yen ($83 – $96)
- Terapagos ex (SIR): 8,000 – 9,000 yen ($51 – 57)
- Briar (SIR): 4,000 – 5,000 yen ($25 – $32)
- Lacey (UR): 3,000 – 4,000 yen ($19 – $25)
- Area Zero Underdepths (HR): 3,000 – 3,500 yen ($19 – $22)
- Hydrapple ex (SIR): 3,000 – 3,500 yen ($19 – $22)
- Terapagos ex (HR): 2,500 – 3,000 yen ($16 – $19)
- Bravery Charm (HR): 2,500 – 3,000 yen ($16 – $19)
- Galvantula ex (SIR): 2,500 – 3,000 yen ($16 – $19)
- Dachsbun ex (SIR): 2,000 – 4,000 yen ($13 – $25)
- Briar (UR): 2,000 – 2,500 yen ($13 – $16)
- Crispin (UR): 1,000 – 2,000 yen ($6 – $13)
The least valuable secret rares are Medicham ex, Orthworm ex, and Kofu. They cost $1 to $3.
Noctowl is the most valuable Illustration Rare at $6. Zeraora is second at $4. Joltik is $3. The rest are around $2.
Noctowl’s regular holo version is also the most expensive holo of the set, at $3. This speaks to the card’s playability. All other holos are 50 cents or less.
Area Zero Underdepths and Glass Trumpet are the most expensive regular Trainers in the set at $2 each. The rest are less than a dollar.
Terapagos ex’s regular ex is by far the most valuable of all double rares, at $5. The rest are $1 or less.
You can see the full set list here and the secret rares here.