“Battle Partners” Set Officially Revealed Featuring Owner’s Pokemon!

Battle Partners was just revealed at Japan’s Champion’s League Osaka! We first learned about the set in July. Only the booster pack was shown; new cards will be unveiled tomorrow.

The pack art reveals the set will feature Iono’s Bellibolt ex, N’s Zoroark ex, Lillie’s Clefairy ex, and Hop’s Zacian ex. We already knew from product listings that Iono would be featured on the set’s accessories.

As posted before, the set will release in Japan on January 24th. It will feature the return of Owner’s Pokemon, which originally debuted in 2000’s Gym Heroes.

We will get the Battle Partners cards in our Journey Together set on March 28th. Some of the English cards were already revealed in August at Worlds:

In Japan, Battle Partners will be the first to feature the “I” regulation mark. Japan’s next rotation will go into effect the day this set releases. All “F” cards will rotate out, meaning only “G,” “H,” and “I” cards will be legal.

Here’s the upcoming Japanese TCG schedule. Click the links for more information.

  • January 24th: Battle Partners featuring the return of the Owner’s Pokemon mechanic. Releasing alongside the set will also be a “Collection File N” and “Collection File Lillie.”
  • February 21st: Two decks named “Starter Set ex Steven’s Beldum & Metagross ex” and “Starter Set ex Marnie’s Morpeko & Grimmsnarl ex.”
  • March 14th: Heat Wave Arena featuring Cynthia’s Garchomp ex.
  • April 18th: The Glory of Team Rocket featuring Rocket’s Mewtwo ex.
  • May: There were no May sets in 2023, 2024, and now 2025.
  • June 6th: Black Bolt and White Flare featuring all 156 Unova Pokemon.