Trading Now Available in “Pokemon TCG Pocket,” Full Details!

The trading feature is finally available in Pokemon TCG Pocket!

Go to Social Hub -> Trade to trade cards of the same rarity with your friends. You can only trade ◆, ◆◆, ◆◆◆, ◆◆◆◆, and ★ cards. You cannot trade promo cards.

Trade Stamina is required to trade — it basically regulates how often you can trade. You recover one Trade Stamina every 24 hours out of five. You can use Trade Hourglasses to reduce the time by one hour or by using Poke Gold.

You need Trade Tokens to trade ◆◆◆ cards and higher. They cost:

  • ◆◆◆ = 120 Trade Tokens
  • ◆◆◆◆ = 500 Trade Tokens
  • ★ = 400 Trade Tokens

You can obtain Trade Tokens from Event Missions or by consuming duplicate cards of ◆◆◆ or higher in Obtain Items. Consuming duplicates generates:

  • ◆◆◆ = 25 Trade Tokens
  • ◆◆◆◆ = 125 Trade Tokens
  • ★ = 100 Trade Tokens
  • ★★ = 300 Trade Tokens
  • ★★★ = 300 Trade Tokens
  • 🜲 = 1,500 Trade Tokens

Currently only cards of the aforementioned rarities can be traded from Genetic Apex and Mythical Island. However, Pokemon promises more cards will be allowed in the future (meaning ★★ and higher).

If you do not see the trading feature yet, you should update your app from the App or Play Store.