“Destined Rivals” Booster Pack Artwork Confirms Sets to Feature Team Rocket!

The booster pack artwork for May’s Destined Rivals set has been revealed early on badges that will be given to attendees of Latin America’s “gamescom” event! (They show the Brazilian Portuguese logo of the set, named Rivais Predestinados.)

The pack artwork shows Giovanni, Executive Ariana, Executive Petrel, and two Team Rocket Grunts (all using their FireRed & LeafGreen and HeartGold & SoulSilver designs). The Pokemon presumably reveal the inclusion of Rocket’s Mewtwo ex, Rocket’s Koffing, Rocket’s Arbok, Rocket’s Murkrow, and Rocket’s Rattata.

The Destined Rivals booster pack artwork comes from Japan’s Heat Wave Arena set releasing on March 14th and The Glory of Team Rocket set releasing on April 18th. The latter hasn’t been officially revealed in Japan yet.

As we’ve posted before, our Destined Rivals set will source its cards from Heat Wave Arena, the Steven’s Metagross ex and Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex decks, and The Glory of Team Rocket featuring Rocket’s Mewtwo ex.

As posted earlier this year, we’re also getting a special English set in July which should feature the cards from Japan’s Black Bolt & White Flare. This has raised some eyebrows about the possibility of a Black & White remake coming.

Trademarks have also revealed that Mega Brave and Mega Symphonia sets will release at some point in the future, presumably seeing the return of Mega Evolution cards to tie-in to Legends: Z-A.