“Destined Rivals” English Pokemon Set Releasing in May!
We can reveal May’s SV10 set will be named Scarlet & Violet: Destined Rivals.
As posted before, the set will release on May 30th. Prereleases will take place from May 17th to May 25th.
We expect Destined Rivals will source from Heat Wave Arena featuring Cynthia’s Garchomp ex and Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex, the Steven’s Metagross ex and Marnie’s Grimmsnarl ex decks, and The Glory of Team Rocket featuring Rocket’s Mewtwo ex.
Many fans were expecting the set name to reference Team Rocket. But now that modern English sets are huge and combine multiple Japanese sources, a “Rocket” name could be seen as misleading, which is why our English set has a generic “Destined Rivals” name. 2000’s Team Rocket and 2004’s EX Team Rocket Returns only pulled from one source each.