First English Cards Revealed from “Journey Together,” Another “151” Master Set Variant!

Iris’s Fighting Spirit has been revealed early from SV9 Journey Together! It is #149/159.

The card will be given out in mid-March as a stamped promo to players who attend Season 3 of Ultra Ball League tournaments in Malaysia, Singapore, and the Philippines.

Update: Iono’s Bellibolt ex has also been revealed!

Like Chien-Pao ex, top finishers will receive a Mew ex from 151 with a special “Ultra Ball” League stamp, as well as a Terapagos playmat. If you’re a master set collector, you might want to pick up the Mew.

As posted before, our Journey Together set will release on March 28th. It will combine the 100 cards from Japan’s Battle Partners set as well as the leftover ~50 cards from November’s ex Starter Deck Generations, such as Amoonguss ex, Blaziken ex, and Mimikyu ex.

Our following English set, Destined Rivals, will release on May 30th as our SV10 set.

We’re also getting a special English set on July 18th.