Cynthia’s Garchomp ex Full Art Revealed from “Heat Wave Arena!”

The full art version of Cynthia’s Garchomp ex has now been revealed from Heat Wave Arena! The set releases on March 14th in Japan. The cards from the set will become part of our Destined Rivals set in May.

Cynthia’s Garchomp ex – Fighting – HP330
Stage 2 – Evolves from Cynthia’s Gabite

[F] Corkscrew Dive: 100 damage. You may draw cards until you have 6 cards in your hand.

[F][F] Dragon Blaster: 260 damage. Discard all Energy from this Pokémon.

When your Pokemon ex is Knocked Out, your opponent takes 2 Prize cards.

Weakness: Grass (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

I don't get the numbers. 064 - 075 should be ARs (with the weird distribution Grass/Fire/Water/Electric: 11, Psycho/Ground/Dark/Steel/Dragon/Normal: 1), 076 - 081 Fullarts (but 080 Garchomp? So, 4 ex's before Garchomp and after only Mabostiff?), 082 - 084 Supporter Fullarts (MC/Judge/Ethan) and 085 - 088 SARs (085: ??, 086: Ho Oh, 087: Garchomp, 088: Mabostiff). Right? Weird set.
I don't get the numbers. 064 - 075 should be ARs (with the weird distribution Grass/Fire/Water/Electric: 11, Psycho/Ground/Dark/Steel/Dragon/Normal: 1), 076 - 081 Fullarts (but 080 Garchomp? So, 4 ex's before Garchomp and after only Mabostiff?), 082 - 084 Supporter Fullarts (MC/Judge/Ethan) and 085 - 088 SARs (085: ??, 086: Ho Oh, 087: Garchomp, 088: Mabostiff). Right? Weird set.
What’s strange about it? 6 ex for a subset is standard. Now what we don’t know exactly is how many SARs we’ll get since Battle Partners removed supporter ones but 5 is a good guess so the 3 trainers ex + 2 non trainer

Edit: wait I see what you mean now. We can’t get more than 4 pokemon SAR now since after Garchomp there’s only Mabostiff so either we still get 5 sars and they give one to a supporter this time, or they just going for 4 this time.
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I don't get the numbers. 064 - 075 should be ARs (with the weird distribution Grass/Fire/Water/Electric: 11, Psycho/Ground/Dark/Steel/Dragon/Normal: 1), 076 - 081 Fullarts (but 080 Garchomp? So, 4 ex's before Garchomp and after only Mabostiff?), 082 - 084 Supporter Fullarts (MC/Judge/Ethan) and 085 - 088 SARs (085: ??, 086: Ho Oh, 087: Garchomp, 088: Mabostiff). Right? Weird set.
75 is already Arven's Greedent too, so you know, no slot for the other 5 types (Grass gets 5 lul). I guess it is a pretty weird spread, but not much they can put in a half-set.
I don't get the numbers. 064 - 075 should be ARs (with the weird distribution Grass/Fire/Water/Electric: 11, Psycho/Ground/Dark/Steel/Dragon/Normal: 1), 076 - 081 Fullarts (but 080 Garchomp? So, 4 ex's before Garchomp and after only Mabostiff?), 082 - 084 Supporter Fullarts (MC/Judge/Ethan) and 085 - 088 SARs (085: ??, 086: Ho Oh, 087: Garchomp, 088: Mabostiff). Right? Weird set.
Do you think it's possible Ethan doesn't get a full art? And we only get two Trainer Full Arts?
I don't get the numbers. 064 - 075 should be ARs (with the weird distribution Grass/Fire/Water/Electric: 11, Psycho/Ground/Dark/Steel/Dragon/Normal: 1), 076 - 081 Fullarts (but 080 Garchomp? So, 4 ex's before Garchomp and after only Mabostiff?), 082 - 084 Supporter Fullarts (MC/Judge/Ethan) and 085 - 088 SARs (085: ??, 086: Ho Oh, 087: Garchomp, 088: Mabostiff). Right? Weird set.
Couldn't we still get Metagross SAR after mabistiff though?
I don't get the numbers. 064 - 075 should be ARs (with the weird distribution Grass/Fire/Water/Electric: 11, Psycho/Ground/Dark/Steel/Dragon/Normal: 1), 076 - 081 Fullarts (but 080 Garchomp? So, 4 ex's before Garchomp and after only Mabostiff?), 082 - 084 Supporter Fullarts (MC/Judge/Ethan) and 085 - 088 SARs (085: ??, 086: Ho Oh, 087: Garchomp, 088: Mabostiff). Right? Weird set.
76-82 Full Art Pokemon. 83-85 Full Art Trainer. 86-88 - SAR Pokemon. 89 and 90 is SAR Trainer. Could be Ethan SAR + 1 MC/Judge but could be MC + Judge.