“Destined Rivals” TCG Set Officially Revealed, Features Team Rocket, Misty, Ethan, and More!

Prepare for trouble, twerps!

Destined Rivals has been officially revealed as our tenth Scarlet & Violet set! This is following last week’s reveal of Japan’s The Glory of Team Rocket.

As posted before, Destined Rivals will release on May 30th. Prereleases will take place from May 17th to May 25th.

There will be no Enhanced Booster Box for Destined Rivals.

The Elite Trainer Box promo will be Team Rocket’s Wobbuffet, which is obviously a reference to Jessie and James. As usual, the Pokemon Center version will come with both a stamped and regular copy, whereas the regular Elite Trainer Box will only contain the latter.

Our Destined Rivals set will include:

  • Over 240 cards
  • Over 85 Trainer’s Pokémon, including over 45 Team Rocket’s Pokémon
  • 17 Pokémon ex, including 10 Trainer’s Pokémon ex
  • More than 20 Trainer cards
  • More than 45 Pokémon and Trainer cards with special illustrations
  • 83 new cards tagged as Team Rocket’s
  • 23 illustration rare Pokémon
  • 11 special illustration rare Pokémon
  • 6 hyper rare gold-etched cards

The prerelease promos reveal Team Rocket’s Tyranitar and Team Rocket’s Mimikyu. They haven’t been revealed in Japan yet, but will obviously come from The Glory of Team Rocket.

Strangely, the promos are stamped cards straight from the set. They don’t have promo numbering or feature alternate artwork. Perhaps this is the case because we’re starting the Mega Evolution block later this year (instead of January) and Japan won’t release a High Class Pack set from which our English promos can draw from. This is speculation, of course.

Our Destined Rivals set will source its cards from Japan’s The Glory of Team Rocket (releasing April 18th, 130ish cards), Heat Wave Arena (released March 14th, 93 cards), and the Marnie and Steven decks (released February 21st, 18 cards).

Thus, our English set will feature Owner’s Pokemon for Misty and Team Rocket (Gen 1), Ethan (Gen 2), Steven (Gen 3), Cynthia (Gen 4), Marnie (Gen 8), and Arven (Gen 9).

Previously, Journey Together featured N (Gen 5), Lillie (Gen 7), Hop (Gen 8), and Iono (Gen 9). This only leaves X and Y unrepresented — probably because of Z-A.

Based on the timing of set reveals over the past three years, TPCi would have normally revealed Destined Rivals one to two weeks ago. A simultaneous reveal with The Glory of Team Rocket was also possible, like with Twilight Masquerade and Scarlet & Violet. But this is now the shortest time between a set reveal and its release since 2022’s Pokemon GO.

Either TPCi is shifting its reveal schedule, or this “delay” was due to the reveal of Pocket’s Shining Revelry last week. From now on TPCi may be considering the marketing for Pocket sets when revealing new TCG sets; after all, the two are supposed to promote each other. We’ll see what happens with TPCi’s reveal pattern for our next few sets!

After May’s Destined Rivals

We’re getting a special English set on July 18th which should feature the cards from June’s Black Bolt & White Flare. It will feature all 156 Unova Pokemon, presumably echoing 151 but for Generation 5.

The sell sheet for the Japanese set doesn’t mention Owner’s Pokemon, which means we’re probably done with the mechanic. After all, it was an obvious “stall” until the release of Z-A. The TCG has nothing left to promote from Paldea.

Then in August or September, we’ll be leaving the Scarlet & Violet era and entering the Mega Evolution era! This may also explain why there hasn’t been any Owner’s Pokemon for Generation 6 — to keep the upcoming block feeling fresh!

There's already a queue for the Pokémon Center's site. I haven't been participating in TCG lately because I'm saving my $ until I get a Rayquaza card in a set again but I may pick up a sealed ETB for this set since I like the Rocket theming. I really like the branding/theme/general vibe/appearance of this set. Should be fun!
The text is not complete but looks like Tyranytar hurt basic Pokemons similiar to Frosslass but only if is in active, why Make him fighting instead of Dark, now cant use the Rocket Energy...

And Mimikyu can be pretty strong attacker and only need 1 energy attachment pretty much (Rocket energy)
wait, that rocket's tyranitar? ofc we can't see the whole card, but to me the rest of the ability is "put 2 damage counters on each of your opponent's benched pokemon." thats 40 extra damage a turn, which now that im writing this doesnt seem good because it only works in the active. was thinking that it would work on bench which would be a sick reward for getting that many stage 2's out
Also, bruh, they really made Team Rocket's Tyranitar Fighting so you couldn't power it up with two Team Rocket Energy?
wait, that rocket's tyranitar? ofc we can't see the whole card, but to me the rest of the ability is "put 2 damage counters on each of your opponent's benched pokemon." thats 40 extra damage a turn, which now that im writing this doesnt seem good because it only works in the active. was thinking that it would work on bench which would be a sick reward for getting that many stage 2's out
So basically a spiritual successor of the dual-type Dark Tyranitar from Team Rocket Returns. It was great back in the day when it was played in a deck called Rock Lock (Which devolved the opponent's Pokémon with a TM Devo predecessor, damaged them with the Poké-Body in between turns, and then put more damage counters on those Pokémon when they evolved thanks to Dark Ampharos's Poké-Body). This deck was usually able to win games by the third TM Rock, but I don't think this Team Rocket's Tyranitar deck would have an answer to basic ex decks even if some sort of Dark Ampharos spiritual successor was announced. (Not to mention Rock Lock could at least use the Pokémon's other attacks, and I highly doubt that Team Rocket's Tyranitar's attack will be used much when they chose to not learn from Feraligatr and Ethan's Typhlosion, which can both do 280 damage for either two or one Energy.)
been in the queue on pokemon center for like 40 mins so far lol..... these drops have been such a nightmare lately, i literally just want one booster bundle :'(

set looks amazing though!!!! coolest looking products/set theme we've had in quite a while imo
been in the queue on pokemon center for like 40 mins so far lol.... these drops have been such a nightmare lately, i literally just want one booster bundle :'(

set looks amazing though!!!! coolest looking products/set theme we've had in quite a while imo
UPDATE: Destined Rivals pre-orders are not live on PC yet. I just got access
This is awesome, also the Black and White (favorite game) 151 set drops on my birthday so definitely gonna get some of those lol
been in the queue on pokemon center for like 40 mins so far lol.... these drops have been such a nightmare lately, i literally just want one booster bundle :'(

set looks amazing though!!!! coolest looking products/set theme we've had in quite a while imo
I've also been in line for like 40 mins. Looks like I'm going to have to take off work and stand in line just to get any product, what a crazy time to be a pokemon fan...
wait, that rocket's tyranitar? ofc we can't see the whole card, but to me the rest of the ability is "put 2 damage counters on each of your opponent's benched pokemon." thats 40 extra damage a turn, which now that im writing this doesnt seem good because it only works in the active. was thinking that it would work on bench which would be a sick reward for getting that many stage 2's out
I believe that it won’t be just benched Pokèmon but will be all basic Pokemon since it says basic at the bottom of that text. This is very much a spiritual reprint of detention gas weezing which is good in GLC but I don’t know if it was good in standard
Destined Rivals product not released for pre-orders yet
they have already on pokemon center like an hour ago and they sold out, queue didnt help at all and most people didnt get one, i didnt, i was on queue the second they emailed me but apparently they send the emails like 30 minutes late, so there was zero chance anyone without inside knowledge would get any, such a scummy thing for pokemon to do.
Time to focus on year '1 of SoV ig. Sucks to pretend these new sets dont exist just because of ridiculous prices but here we are. And ZA sets do not excuse you to skip gen VI for trainer's Creatures, smh