Most Valuable Cards from “Heat Wave Arena,” Misty’s Psyduck Places High!

Heat Wave Arena released in Japan two days ago on March 14th.

I’ve gathered the average card prices from auction websites. These prices give us a clue of the initial interest in these cards. These are the most valuable cards in the set as of March 15th, the day after the set released:

  1. Cynthia’s Garchomp ex (SIR): 27,000 to 33,000 yen
  2. Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex (SIR): 17,000 to 22,000 yen
  3. Ethan’s Adventure (SIR): 7,000 to 9,000 yen
  4. Cynthia’s Garchomp ex (Gold): 5,000 to 6,700 yen
  5. Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex (Gold): 4,000 to 4,800 yen
  6. Misty’s Psyduck (IR): 2,500 to 3,000 yen
  7. Yanmega ex (SIR): 2,400 to 3,000 yen
  8. Arven’s Mabosstiff ex (SIR): 1,700 to 2,400 yen
  9. Ethan’s Typhlosion (IR): 1,600 to 2,000 yen
  10. Lavencia (Gold): 1,200 to 1,800 yen
  11. Cynthia’s Garchomp ex (FA): 1,400 to 1,700 yen
  12. Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex (FA): 1,200 to 1,500 yen
  13. MC’s Hype Up (FA): 1,200 to 1,500 yen
  14. Cynthia’s Roserade (IR): 1,000 to 1,500 yen
  15. Ethan’s Adventure (FA): 1,000 to 1,400 yen

At #6, Misty’s Psyduck is more valuable than some of the set’s SIRs and gold cards.

As of March 14th (the day the set released), these were the prices of the Illustration Rares:

  1. Misty’s Psyduck: 3,000-4,000 yen
  2. Ethan’s Typhlosion: 2,800-3,500 yen
  3. Cynthia’s Roserade: 1,800-2,300 yen
  4. Misty’s Lapras: 1,400-2,500 yen
  5. Shaymin: 1200-1500 yen
  6. Crustle: 700-1000 yen
  7. Arven’s Greedent: 600-1400 yen
  8. Rapidash: 400-1000 yen
  9. Rotom: 400-700 yen
  10. Yanma: 400-600 yen
  11. Hydrapple: 300-600 yen
  12. Electrike: 300-500 yen

For Double Rares, only three Pokemon ex are clearly valued. These are usually the cards that players pick up for their decks, so this tells us what cards are expected to be competitively viable.

  1. Cynthia’s Garchomp ex: 600-800 yen
  2. Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex: 600-800 yen
  3. Yanmega ex: 600-800 yen
  4. Dondozo ex: Less than 100 yen
  5. Electivire ex: Less than 100 yen
  6. Arven’s Mabosstiff ex: Less than 100 yen

Arven is this set’s Hop, though his cards are clearly more valuable than Hop’s.

We will get all these cards in our Destined Rivals set in May.

TBH really pi**ed at this set.
I was at the Narita Airport Pokemon store and they got NOTHING of the set, neither booster, sleeves, deck boxes or anything that should release that day.
When I talked to the staff they said they won't be getting anything on release day.
Yeah... Release day but not getting it, what a joke and it's even the offical store and plasted/advertised all over the airport. :-(
TBH really pi**ed at this set.
I was at the Narita Airport Pokemon store and they got NOTHING of the set, neither booster, sleeves, deck boxes or anything that should release that day.
When I talked to the staff they said they won't be getting anything on release day.
Yeah... Release day but not getting it, what a joke and it's even the offical store and plasted/advertised all over the airport. :-(
wow this situation is getting worse and worse
I love how we were perfectly lined up with Japan when Paldean Fates dropped but now we're lucky to be only 1 set behind. Why can't we at least only be like a week or so behind? Do international translations take that long?
Simultaneous releases are 100% possible with enough resources (One Piece TCG is going to start unifying all language releases next year for example), the fact that PTCG still doesn't have them means that TPCi simply has other priorities.
I love how we were perfectly lined up with Japan when Paldean Fates dropped but now we're lucky to be only 1 set behind. Why can't we at least only be like a week or so behind? Do international translations take that long?
We are just 0.5 Sets behind as of now. That’s the issue with simultaneous releases - we have different sets. They would need to give us the smaller sets too.
I love how we were perfectly lined up with Japan when Paldean Fates dropped but now we're lucky to be only 1 set behind. Why can't we at least only be like a week or so behind? Do international translations take that long?
It genuinely makes me mad. I really thought that Paradox Rift and onwards would be synced up, but no.
genuinely havent been so hyped for buying certain singles in YEARS. i hope these prices come down a little bit since the set is still fresh so i can pick up most of ethan's cards!
We are just 0.5 Sets behind as of now. That’s the issue with simultaneous releases - we have different sets. They would need to give us the smaller sets too.
They need one set instead of two and they need to be smaller. Stop with all the freaking art rares. They are not not worth anything when you have a million of them. I don't respect it I think it's dumb.
It's getting ridecolous. Besides some 7/11 there's not a single store that is selling boosters.

Pokemon Center JP had no pre orders this time.
Who cares if they're worth anything, they look cool and that's all the matters, more art rares I say, more!
Because it's a fuckin' scam dude. It's a grift to get people to spend way more money than they would. But more than that, it devalues the concept of extra numbered cards by having them become meaningless bullshit
It's getting ridecolous. Besides some 7/11 there's not a single store that is selling boosters.

Pokemon Center JP had no pre orders this time.
Because you can still order, you need a Japanese phone number. It’s not sold out and they said a week ago there won’t be single packs for now. It’s not news, they said it over the past month how they will work this time.

Moreover they also said no new items before 14/3 since they restructured the website.
TBH really pi**ed at this set.
I was at the Narita Airport Pokemon store and they got NOTHING of the set, neither booster, sleeves, deck boxes or anything that should release that day.
When I talked to the staff they said they won't be getting anything on release day.
Yeah... Release day but not getting it, what a joke and it's even the offical store and plasted/advertised all over the airport. :-(
Scalping was always a problem in Japan, and now that TCG scalping has became a global phenomenon, it is basically unstoppable.
I'm sorry, but since TPC is actively encouraging this, the only solution to this "investor culture" (thanks bitcoin) is to crash the market. Take a break from the game, stop buying product, or convince your friends to play some old format you already have cards for.
Because it's a fuckin' scam dude. It's a grift to get people to spend way more money than they would. But more than that, it devalues the concept of extra numbered cards by having them become meaningless bullshit
If you are a collector, why would you care about the value of the extra numbered cards having a high value? Having more art rares means more cool cards in the set and it allows them to feature all pokemon in a nice way in the long term.