“Shining Revelry” Set Revealed for “Pokemon TCG Pocket!”

A new Shining Revelry set is coming to Pokemon TCG Pocket on March 27th!

As the name implies, it will feature the first shiny Pokemon in the game. It will also introduce Pokemon and Trainers from Pokemon Scarlet and Violet for the first time, including Tatsugiri and Iono.

Ranked matches will soon be launching in Pocket. The first season will feature Shining Revelry and start March 28th.

After last night’s reveal of The Glory of Team Rocket, TPCi would have normally revealed Destined Rivals today. Instead, it seems Shiny Revelry was revealed in its place due to the timing of its release. We will see Destined Rivals next week!

Yah that "they want to make money" argument has rapidly fallen apart these few months when they've done nothing to let collectors actually give them money. But hey we can spam digital sets every month and still make bank.
Can't believe I'm actually more hyped for a digital card set reveal over an actual real life set (Glory of Team Rocket).

Even though it is frustrating that Pocket cards are only digital, at least they ain't getting scalped lol
I like that they're going the route of having the shiny pokemon just be recolors of normal cards versus the "Shining" separate name option. It keeps it simpler which is something I really like about the mobile version of the game.
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Iono is game-changingly powerful in the context of pocket. I was expecting them to keep a light touch with new consistency cards, but dropping this immediately as the ranked ladder hits is going to cause some chaos.
It is of note how cheap and simple Pokemon TCG Pocket is to run, even if it's bleeding players. There's not really any complicated gameplay, it's not really well-maintained design-wise, there's no real complex interactions that need lots of programming. You just make art - or take art from older sets - and release additional PNGs.
Why do they even bother with the physical TCG at this point? It's clear Pocket is getting all of their attention. 🤢

I know the current state of the physical tcg is pretty bad but i think its silly to compare the two when pocket is a digital product extremely easy to update and maintain lol. it probably gets less attention because of that, just commission artists to draw, ask them to send the .psd files to DeNa and let the latter figure out the coding to implement the packs and collection/deck missions