Team Rocket’s Ampharos Line Revealed, References EX Team Rocket Returns!

The daily reveals for The Glory of Team Rocket have commenced — Team Rocket’s Mareep, Flaaffy, and Ampharos have been revealed featuring Ariana! The set will release in Japan on April 18th and become part of May’s Destined Rivals.

Team Rocket’s Mareep – Lightning – HP60
Basic Pokemon

[C] Provision: Search your deck for an Item card, reveal it, and put it into your hand. Then, shuffle your deck.

[L] Petibolt: 10 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Team Rocket’s Flaaffy – Lightning – HP90
Stage 1 – Evolves from Team Rocket’s Mareep

[L][C] Thunder Shock: 50 damage. Flip a coin. If heads, your opponent’s Active Pokémon is now Paralyzed.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Team Rocket’s Ampharos – Lightning – HP140
Stage 2 – Evolves from Team Rocket’s Flaaffy

Ability: Darkest Impulse
When your opponent plays a Pokémon from their hand to evolve 1 of their Pokémon during their turn, put 4 damage counters on that Pokémon. The effect of Darkest Impulse doesn’t stack.

[L][C][C] Head Bolt: 140 damage.

Weakness: Fighting (x2)
Resistance: none
Retreat: 1

Team Rocket’s Ampharos is a direct callback to Dark Ampharos from 2004’s EX Team Rocket Returns:

So Mewtwo ex gets more dangerous. I suspect that the seemingly mid amount of damage it does (although 280 is actually heaps considering it’s HP and that it is basic) will in time be shown to be a devastating attack. In this current example Dragapult can be one shotted by Mewtwo ex with Ampharos in play.
Genuinely very cool callback, but this card is extremely garbage. Setting up a stage 2 to punish evolution with only 4 damage counters makes no sense. Just use Gravity Mountain, with Hawlucha if you really need 4 damage counters, not this clunky stage 2 line with an effect you can’t control. It’s even countered by effects like TM Evolution and Grand Tree. It’s hardly better than the 2 decade old card it’s referencing, despite the immense amount of power creep that has taken place since.
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Wish they could've made it put on more damage counters if the Pokemon evolves into an ex or something. It's cool and I love the reference, but I doubt this will see play.
in EX Team Rocket Returns, a single-prize ampharos was 120 HP. twenty years later, a single-prize ampharos is only 140 HP.
The difference in power creep between 1-prize and 2-prize Pokemon is utterly staggering!
Genuinely very cool callback, but this card is extremely garbage. Setting up a stage 2 to punish evolution with only 4 damage counters makes no sense. Just use Gravity Mountain, with Hawlucha if you really need 4 damage counters, not this clunky stage 2 line with an effect you can’t control. It’s even countered by effects like TM Evolution and Grand Tree. It’s hardly better than the 2 decade old card it’s referencing, despite the immense amount of power creep that has taken place since.
You're discounting that this ability can pair with TM Devo, so you absolutely can control it to a degree. Is this a card that will be great by itself? I don't think so, but I can certainly see it be useful with other things. Devo, Uxie, Rocket Ttar...