A Brand New Pokemon!

A Brand New Pokemon!
By: [Water Pokémon Master] — Monday – April 19th, 2004

»A New Pokemon: Pokemon2004.jp, the official Pokemon Deoxys Japanese website, has revealed some startling information. Apparently, a brand new non-Ruby and Sapphire Pokemon is going to be released next month at the E3 convention, bringing the total number of Pokemon to 387. What will this Pokemon be? Well, I have a feeling it could be what is in that golden egg thingy that Deoxys is holding below in the picture. My theory is that the next generation of Pokemon will be ones from space, since we have Deoxys as well as the Clefairy and Clefable. Maybe the new generation of Pokemon will bring the total number of Pokemon to 500. Hmmmm…

This movie should prove to be a very eventful one. I can’t wait until it comes out! This will most likely be the coolest movie ever!