New Japanese Set, Gamestop Promotion, Joy Spots, Site Stuff
»Gamestop Promotion for R/S: According to Misdreavus from the PokeGym, GameStop is having a promotion where you can get a Shiny Zigzagoon with a Leichi Berry and your berry glitch fixed. For details on how to get these things, you can view the thread at the PokeGym by [clicking here]. »Joy Spot Areas in Japan: In Japan, a new free service called Joy Spots will become available to many gaming stores. What are Joy Spots? Well, an area in a store will be designated as a Joy Spot where players can play each other with Gameboy games that support wireless capabilities, such as with Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green. Of course, you can use your wireless adapter any other time, but what is special about the Joy Spots are that you can download data to your games, which unlock hidden things within the game. Joy Spots will start to open on March 25th. No information has been given to if these Joy Spots will become available in America. »Deck Fixing Page Up: Our deck fixing page is now open. Well actually, it has been open, but we have not been getting in any decent decks. Now we have a new deck fixer, named SwampertEX, and he will be the site’s main deck fixer until we recruit more people to help out. You can send in your deck to be fixed by him by [clicking here]. »An Achievement of Mine: Friday and yesterday, I went to a Speech and Debate Club tournament to determine if I would go to State. At the tournament, I decided to try to go to State with an expository speech of mine on Pokemon. For an expository speech, you tell the audience about your topic and use visuals on a tripod. Anyways, on Friday, I competed in three rounds and made it to finals. Then yesterday, I competed with the finalists to determine if I would go to State and came in 5th place. Unfortunately, only the top four get to go to State, but someone dropped out of the top four, moving me up one and allowing me to go to State. So what does this mean? Well, I could be the very first person to go to State giving a Pokemon speech. Wish me luck my PokeFriends! :) |