More Super Rare English Promos Awarded at Southeast Asia Tournaments, Plus Card Accessories!
Last fall we reported that Singapore, the Philippines, and Malaysia were awarding exclusive English stamped cards at their Regional tournaments. This included Chien-Pao ex, one of the rarest English prints to ever release.
Now a second round of Regionals has commenced for the winter, which The Pokemon Company has named “Volume 2.”
Players who win five or more rounds will receive a stamped Boss's Orders (Ghetsis). It features an exclusive “Asia Championships Series” stamp.
Last time we reported that for Volume 1’s tournaments, players who won five or more rounds were supposed to receive a stamped Gardevoir ex. At the time, Pokemon promised players the card would be distributed at a later date. However, it turns out they revised the card to Boss’s Orders. It was just distributed to qualifying Volume 1 players during Volume 2’s tournaments.
Around 170 copies of Boss’s Orders were given out at Singapore’s tournament to account for Volume 1 and 2. If we extrapolate this number to the other two countries, there should be around 500 copies currently in circulation. This makes it an incredibly rare print.
As with Volume 1, a stamped Chien-Pao ex was again awarded to the Top 4 players in each age division. There are three versions of the card, each featuring stamps for either Singapore, the Philippines, or Malaysia.
With Volume 1 there were 12 of each card distributed. Now with Volume 2 there are a total of 24 each that have been distributed. There will also be a “Volume 3” in the spring, so there will ultimately be 36 copies each, presumably. This still makes these Chien-Pao some of the rarest English prints ever produced.
As with Volume 1, a stamped Iono was again given out as a participation award to players who completed three to four rounds. There is one version for each of the countries.
Last time the Top 16 players in each age division were supposed to receive a playmat and card sleeves. TPC just distributed them at Volume 2. The card sleeves were also sold at each event’s pop-up Pokemon Center.
Voume 2’s event decorations featured posters of Raging Bolt, Iron Crown, and Tera Charizard. Some players are speculating their artwork could be featured on the card accessories for Volume 3 in the spring.
Thanks goes to The Southern Islands for sending us the photos for this story!