Regidrago VSTAR is the Most Hyped Heading Into Worlds

Hello to all PokeBeach readers! This is Gabriel Semedo again with another Pokémon TCG article and this time I’m going to talk about Regidrago VSTAR! Regidrago VSTAR is currently the most hyped deck heading into Worlds, mainly because, besides being a great deck, it has good matchups against Charizard ex and Gardevoir ex.

From NAIC to Worlds, it would seem that the main change in the metagame would be the arrival of Shrouded Fable, but I believe that the biggest shift in the meta has actually been the definitive recognition of Regidrago VSTAR as one of the best decks currently. Many believed that the deck would only get good when the new Kyurem or Haxorus arrived, but it was discovered that the deck was already very good all along; there are many Regidrago VSTAR decks winning Cups and Challenges around the world right now.

Regidrago VSTAR’s first major appearance was at NAIC with Jacob Eye’s Top 16, without Shrouded Fable, and its second major appearance was recently at a bootcamp in Japan with Tord Reklev and some of the best players in Japan with Shrouded Fable legal. Many Japanese players picked Regidrago VSTAR and it became clear that besides being a great deck, Gardevoir ex and Charizard ex have major problems in the matchup, which effectively guarantees Regidrago VSTAR an invitation to join the “Tier 1 club”.

In today’s article, I want to analyze in more detail the Regidrago VSTAR list that I currently consider ideal for use in Worlds, because since NAIC the Regidrago VSTAR lists have been undergoing several experiments, in addition to explaining in more detail all the various other Pokémon and Trainer that can be included in the list.

Regidrago VSTAR’s Place in the Meta

Regidrago VSTAR has a very clear goal in the meta, which leaves it vulnerable to some things.

In my view, Regidrago VSTAR behaves like an anti-meta deck, that is, the list needs to adapt a lot to beat specific metagame decks, such as Charizard ex and Gardevoir ex, something that consequently reduces the real strength and consistency for other matchups such as Lugia VSTAR and Raging Bolt ex . There are even techs for these matchups, like Haxorus and Noivern ex, but if they aren’t very effective, it’s not worth using.

It is not possible to resolve a Tier 1 matchup with just one specific attack, you will probably need more cards. To consistently beat Lugia VSTAR, you will need Haxorus, Temple of Sinnoh, and Enhanced Hammer. To beat Basic Pokémon decks you need Noivern ex, Scoop Up Cyclone, and Thorton.

If for each problem you have to invest more than one card, it will not be possible to complete the deck in sixty cards, so you need to choose carefully which decks Regidrago VSTAR needs to beat.

This concludes the public portion of this article.

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