Really wish they had kept up the style of the Crown Zenith Golds with SIR/Alt arts on golds — these Stellar in particular just do not seem to match nicely with the rainbows - the Full arts/UR look fantastic with the rainbows however - so we’re almost all the way there but it just doesn’t make sense for them to still be making different color duplicates - make the gold chase A TRUE CHASE!!!

*** rant over ***
I don't think there is a bad art in this set, I absolutely adore the milcery and lileep and the joltik is super awesome too
Really wish they had kept up the style of the Crown Zenith Golds with SIR/Alt arts on golds — these Stellar in particular just do not seem to match nicely with the rainbows - the Full arts/UR look fantastic with the rainbows however - so we’re almost all the way there but it just doesn’t make sense for them to still be making different color duplicates - make the gold chase A TRUE CHASE!!!

*** rant over ***
Keep that for the end of year sets. English sets are bloated and the odds are trash, I do not want to see hyper rare chase cards in every set. Plus gold trainers are pretty good for important one-ofs in your deck.