Most Valuable Cards from “Heat Wave Arena,” Misty’s Psyduck Places High!
Heat Wave Arena released in Japan two days ago on March 14th.
I’ve gathered the average card prices from auction websites. These prices give us a clue of the initial interest in these cards. These are the most valuable cards in the set as of March 15th, the day after the set released:
Cynthia’s Garchomp ex (SIR): 27,000 to 33,000 yen
- Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex (SIR): 17,000 to 22,000 yen
- Ethan’s Adventure (SIR): 7,000 to 9,000 yen
- Cynthia’s Garchomp ex (Gold): 5,000 to 6,700 yen
- Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex (Gold): 4,000 to 4,800 yen
- Misty’s Psyduck (IR): 2,500 to 3,000 yen
- Yanmega ex (SIR): 2,400 to 3,000 yen
- Arven’s Mabosstiff ex (SIR): 1,700 to 2,400 yen
- Ethan’s Typhlosion (IR): 1,600 to 2,000 yen
- Lavencia (Gold): 1,200 to 1,800 yen
- Cynthia’s Garchomp ex (FA): 1,400 to 1,700 yen
- Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex (FA): 1,200 to 1,500 yen
- MC’s Hype Up (FA): 1,200 to 1,500 yen
- Cynthia’s Roserade (IR): 1,000 to 1,500 yen
- Ethan’s Adventure (FA): 1,000 to 1,400 yen
At #6, Misty’s Psyduck is more valuable than some of the set’s SIRs and gold cards.
As of March 14th (the day the set released), these were the prices of the Illustration Rares:
Misty’s Psyduck: 3,000-4,000 yen
- Ethan’s Typhlosion: 2,800-3,500 yen
- Cynthia’s Roserade: 1,800-2,300 yen
- Misty’s Lapras: 1,400-2,500 yen
- Shaymin: 1200-1500 yen
- Crustle: 700-1000 yen
- Arven’s Greedent: 600-1400 yen
- Rapidash: 400-1000 yen
- Rotom: 400-700 yen
- Yanma: 400-600 yen
- Hydrapple: 300-600 yen
- Electrike: 300-500 yen
For Double Rares, only three Pokemon ex are clearly valued. These are usually the cards that players pick up for their decks, so this tells us what cards are expected to be competitively viable.
Cynthia’s Garchomp ex: 600-800 yen
- Ethan’s Ho-Oh ex: 600-800 yen
- Yanmega ex: 600-800 yen
- Dondozo ex: Less than 100 yen
- Electivire ex: Less than 100 yen
- Arven’s Mabosstiff ex: Less than 100 yen
Arven is this set’s Hop, though his cards are clearly more valuable than Hop’s.
We will get all these cards in our Destined Rivals set in May.