DP13 Buizel Black Star Promo, POP 6 Holo Gible
DP13 Buizel and POP 6 Gible Holo – Wes1234 has sent us scans of Buizel (DP black star promo #13) and Gible (a POP 6 holo reprint), which are both available at stores like Target and Wal-Mart and come together in a blister package. Buizel was originally a Choco Snack promo in Japan, like with the Chatot posted yesterday. The blister package that Buizel and Gible come in is probably the counterpart to the blister package posted yesterday containing Chatot and Pikachu (if so, it comes with the same booster packs, the same type of coin, and is available for the same price). Click the scans below for larger images.