Mr. Rhyperior what is your rating scale again? I mean, I have no idea what the numbers really mean, save that I assume
more Geodudes is better. What I don't know is the maximum number of Geodudes you award, the minimum, and what each specific amount means. ^^' Anyway, my comments will sound more harsh than they actually are because I'm rushing. 'Cept the last one; not trying to yell at you, but you suggested bringing back a card I despire. XP If I don't comment, we probably agreed (though maybe not 100%).
Anyway, a few where I had further questions or comments:
Not sure what you mean. I'm worried about getting enough [W] Energy in the discard over and over again to score key OHKO's and 2HKO's, but
the Ability lets you discard [W] Energy from hand. So you just need to focus on getting Water Energy cards to your hand from your deck over and over again. If that is what you meant, it isn't really "discards" that's the issue, but effective Energy search.
I want to agree, but IIRC I thought the same of the Ludicolo that inspired it, and coupled with Magcargo, come-from-behind cards (due to the slow start), and anti-Pokémon-ex effects, it became a competitive deck, at least for a time. So... yeah, wish it did
at least 20 more damage, but maybe it'll be able to afford Professor Kukui most turns? The goal will be three Ludicolo Swing Dancing and three Magcargo Smoothing Over. Smooth Dance! Or was it "Swing Over"?
Unless you use something like Wally so that it can hit the field ASAP, you should be able to not only Evolve Voltorb into Electrode-GX... but whatever Evolving Basic goes with your Pokémon-GX into the desired Pokémon-GX. Stage 2 Pokémon will need Rare Candy, though. I still think a deck would run 2-2, in case of being Prized
or in case they can spare another two Prizes; it is unlikely, but far from impossible.
lot destroys these Abilities. Alolan Muk is sticking around, so Abilities on Basics are still vulnerable after rotation. Guzma is sticking around, so you can't have anything vulnerable on your Bench.
Raw power can punch through. Just having one attacker that hits even amounts and another that hits odd amounts means you're pretty safe (barring Mr. Mime-GX backed by a control/disruption deck).
Now factor in Choice Band.

I was around for these card's predecessors, and while they could be annoying, it was when you were using specific decks.
Clarification: these are updates to the ones featured as singles in the classic Suns & Moons deck from back in the day. They
really need the other versions, and the other versions kind of need these.
To be fair, it saw a
little success WotC days. The short version is we didn't know what we were doing, just like we wouldn't know if it wasn't for better communication infrastructure on top of nearly 20 years of experience for the player base.

Oh, and the original version of Special Energy, and I think the deck also used Slowking (Neo Genesis). Slowking made almost
anything fake competitive. XD
I am starting to think even the Neo Genesis Sneasel was framed, turned into a scapegoat for the brokeness of other cards.

I can't double check, but didn't they slap a Retreat Cost of [C} on this one? That may hurt more than the Weakness!
Probably, but it looks
really fun. If we get something that protects the Bench again and is just a Basic, then it
still is too expensive and risky, but might barely fake being competitive...
Okay, almost certainly not, but I really liked its predecessor in Team Battles...
any Pokémon friendly on Bench-space?

If you're thinking you need multiples, that should only be certain decks.
Most decks will wish they could spare room for one of these on the Bench, and at least a few will manage it. I mean, for
general support.
This is why we
don't have the old Rare Candy effect anymore. XP
Never hurts to have extra options, and needing a
specific basic Energy back is less common than needing a specific Pokémon, but not unheard of even for past competitive decks.
Pretty sure Stage 2 Pokémon need to be "pre-nerfed" when there's a universal shortcut. I'd rather they made Evolving Basics and Stage 1's better while slowing down Basics so there was
time to Evolve. Yeah, unrealistic.
No. VS Seeker might be safe
eventually, but if it is a format where it is an automatic three or four-of for most decks, it is a format where VS Seeker shouldn't be legal. Scramble Energy is flat out a "Never again!" in my book. Nothing like working hard to take the lead just to lose it because of one card lazily tossed onto their Evolutions. There's "Come from behind", and there's "F--- you for even tryin'!" cards, and this is one of the latter. XP