Team Rocket Accessories Releasing at Japan’s Pokemon Centers in April!

Water Pokémon Master

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To celebrate The Glory of Team Rocket, Japan’s Pokemon Centers will release themed TCG accessories alongside the set on April 18th. They include card sleeves, deck boxes, a card storage box, a playmat, damage counter case, playmat case, and various apparel.








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Not to be an ass or anything ( I hope ) but the 100$ case is literally a generic black case with the Letter R
Most generic black cases aren't designed to carry TCG supplies, unfortunately.
- Buy high quality black case
- Put a sticker R onto it
- Buy Pick Apart Foam of proper size and customize your own spaces for TCG supplies

Not even trolling, the case is really ass. If the case at least had some etched motives, but nope, it's just a R
Yeah but once you factor the sleeves, the playmat, the other accessories not even talking the 30 packs $100 seems like a steal
Isn't it just the case and 30 packs though? I think all of the other accessories are sold separately otherwise wouldn't they mention that it's all bundled together?
I would buy that case in a heartbeat and take it to every prerelease until I get mugged for it.