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  • I understand! Is that Espeon Holofoil or not btw?

    I'd like to work out a trade for just that and the Mew #9.
    Avalarion, Most of the notable ones from that era are listed on my thread. I have some unlisted EXs but I share those with my brother who isn't so keen to trade them. I would guess I have about 200 commons/uncommons in addition to what I have listed on my thread. I'd still like to trade you those BW cards I listed in PM if at all possible. :)

    Here are the notables I know for sure I have:
    Salamance (Non-Holofoil)

    Ruby & Sapphire:
    Sceptile RH
    Blaziken (Non-Holofoil)
    Swampert (Non-Holofoil)
    I forgot to mention in PM that I have *tons* of cards from the EX sets.

    Would you like to work out a deal for those? I'd be willing to trade the entire collection.
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