Recent content by bonsly1994

  1. B [Updated 03.26.11]

    RE: [Updated 12.13.10] Love the Maximum Overdrive, I like how you called that an Illustration and not typography! I'd like to see more like that :)
  2. B [Updated 03.26.11]

    RE: AadmM's Vector Art! (Updated 12.03.10) I like your color choice with Typhlosion, I enjoy making vector art myself and it's really cool to see your designs with pokemon and text. My only suggestion would be, start leaning it towards one or the other. For example, your electabuzz inocprorated...
  3. B

    The last airbender...

    Awesome effects and fight scenes? There was like 20 earthbenders doing 15 seconds of bending... to throw a pebble :X
  4. B

    The last airbender...

    lol that made my day!
  5. B

    The last airbender...

    Yeah, I didn't bother seeing it in 3-D. What movie REALLY uses/needs 3-D? I can pretty much say avatar and that's it. (James Cameron's FYI haha)
  6. B

    The last airbender...

    Well said, the original: Awesome! movie: ... face palm
  7. B

    The last airbender...

    The show was awesome! But they tried to make it TO serious. The actors made me want to throw up, I laughed when serious parts came up because they were so terribly done. I really do think they did this all with one take, no rehearsing or anything :X This was just a double face palm...
  8. B

    The last airbender...

    Could M. Night slaughter the awesome show anymore? That movie is on my top list of worst movies ever. I have no idea why I went to the midnight showing. I was so excited and it couldn't have dissapointed anymore. Terrible actnig, lame fight scenes, mispronouncing of names, rushed story...
  9. B

    RSE/FRLG My Nuzlocke run (FireRed)

    You should! It's challenging but fun
  10. B

    RSE/FRLG My Nuzlocke run (FireRed)

    What? You could never complete the game... You mean no Pokemon Center or no healing items?
  11. B

    RSE/FRLG My Nuzlocke run (FireRed)

    Haha why not? It's a very popular challenge
  12. B

    RSE/FRLG My Nuzlocke run (FireRed)

    So I decided to do the Nuzlocke run! The rules i'm using are: 1. If the pokemon faints it's considered dead, release it 2. You have to catch the first pokemon you find in every route, cave etc. You can't catch anything else 3. Using Battle Style: SET 4. Name your pokemon something...
  13. B

    My oekaki business (Updated, 3 new pics)

    RE: My oekaki business (Updated, 2 new pics) Thanks! Another one... It was just a joke with a friend. Wasn't meant to be a serious picture.
  14. B

    My oekaki business (Updated, 3 new pics)

    RE: My oekaki business (Updated, 2 new pics) Thank ya very much ;)
  15. B

    My oekaki business (Updated, 3 new pics)

    RE: My oekaki business (Updated, 2 new pics) Thank ya, i'd never done lineless before and that was my first attempt >.>